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Raegan's POV

He was on the concrete sidewalk, unconscious. I grabbed my phone, his head in my lap, and called 911. "Hello, what's your emergency?" The lady asked. "My boyfriend is unconscious and he won't wake up. Please get him an ambulance!" I proceeded to give the lady our address. "Alright, the ambulance is on its way. Breath, he will be okay."

Tears streaming down my face, forming a river. I started whispering things in his ear. "Justin please. You're all I have. Please don't leave me. You're everything I have ever wanted, everything I need. You're my sanity, my health, my heart. You, Justin Drew Blake, are my everything." I said. And the ambulance arrived. They told me to stand back as they proceeded to help him.

"Alright, lets go he needs extreme medical attention!" The paramedic screamed to the other, creating more panic as I hopped into the ambulance. The tears.. just.. kept.. flowing.

Justin's POV

I woke up from the darkness, I was in the hospital. "What happened?" I asked a passing doctor. Ignored. "Excuse me." Ignored. I heard sobbing. Silent prayers, "Please come back, Justin." And I followed the voice. Raegan. "Hey baby, I'm right here what's wrong?" Ignored. I walked into the room and there I was. My lifeless body, hooked up to monitors and tubes.

Raegan's POV

Coma? Coma. He was in a coma. The love of my life was in a coma.

"Excuse me." I lifted my head to see a nurse wanting to ask me questions.

"Do you know if he's had any head injuries or traumas?" I instantly felt guilty.

The tears flowed as I said, "He slipped in the shower this morning. He told me he felt fine, I should've made him get it checked out!" I said, arms wrapping around me. I didn't care who it was honestly, I needed to feel safe, something that only Justin could completely make me feel.

It was all my fault. He's in a coma because of me.

(335 words. be prepared)

The Way You Look At Me - JaeganWhere stories live. Discover now