Chapter 12

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~ Quinn's p.o.v ~

"You throw like a girl"
Weston chuckled as he picked up the ball.
"Because I am?"
I said in confusion.

It was about 4 in the afternoon. Me and Weston have been together since 10AM. He took me out to lunch and then we came to the park to play baseball.

"C'mon. Whip it at me"
He tossed it to me.
"You don't know what I'm capable of, Koury"
I grinned devilishly as I stepped back. He smirked. I stepped back about ten feet. I tossed the ball in the air a few times. I watched him get in position. I whipped the ball. He swings the bat, hitting the ball high up in the air.

I was pretty impressed with his batting skill.

"And...that would've been a home run"
I said as I watched the ball to the ground. I ran towards the ball and picked it up.

"Throw it!"
He yelled to me. I threw the ball to him and watched as he nearly missed the catch. I jogged back over to him. He tossed it up in the air.
"My advice to you and the guys while batting, don't focus on anything around you. Just focus on the ball. Before every game, make sure the guys bat a few times to warm up"
I told him.
"Are you trying to help me out?"
"Maybe. It's what Mark does with his team"
"What else does he do?"
He asked. I shrugged my shoulders.
"He just practices with the guys a lot. But mainly he makes sure they're trying and they're interested...and good. If they're not then he gets coach to kick them off"
"What'd you do?"
"I practiced with the girls a lot, but not to the point where they'd get overtired. I just practiced with them for about an hour or two after practice and an hour before a game"
I said. He nodded.
"Well you're up to bat"
He gave me the bat.
"Umm...I don't think so"
I tried grabbing the ball from him. He put the ball behind him.
"Nope. Bat"
He backed away from me.
I said with a smirk as I backed up a few feet. I stood in position. He whips the ball. I swing the bat, hitting the ball.

I watched as the ball lands into the pond.

I cheered.
"I'm sorry"
I giggled. He shook his head and started laughing.

"How do you hit it in the pond?"
"I'm still a little rusty"
"Yeah clearly"
He said walking over to me.

We started walking to his car.
"You should come meet my team tonight"
I looked at him.
"Don't they all hate me?"
"I wouldn't say hate. They're just jealous"
I chuckled.
"They won't be assholes to you as long as you're with me"
"I hope you're right"

"If they are, I have your back"


"Look who it is,"
A blonde headed boy with hazel eyes smirked as he sees me next to Weston.
"Is this the best softball player at Ridgeway? The best player who quit the team?"
Brennen said to me.

I already felt annoyed and I wasn't even here for 5 minutes.

"Hey, easy"
Weston told them.
"Calm down Weston, were just messing with her"
Brennen smirked. He held out his hand.
"I'm sure you know who I am,"
"Of course I do. The biggest douchebag I've ever met"
I smiled and shook his hand.
"Why thank you"
He smiled.

The blonde headed boy was looking at me and I had the vibe he didn't want me here.

"Great introduction Brennen,"
Weston said.
"They say I'm a ladies man,"
He winked at me.
"Oh you sure are"
I said sarcastically.
The blonde headed boy got off the bleachers and came over to me.
"The names Luke"
He held out his hand
I shook it.
"Kinda figured"

I looked around. Most of his teammates were talking and getting ready before practice started. Weston wrapped his arm around my waist and led me to the dugout.

He introduced me to some more of his teammates. Some of them were pretty chill than most surprisingly. Most of them were humble and didn't seem to care that I was here. It makes me wonder how much Weston talks about me to them.

As Weston went out into the field Luke came over to me.
"I'm surprised you're actually here. Why'd you come anyways, to get information about us for Mark?"
He said sarcastically.
"No Weston wanted me to meet you guys"
"So you can get information about us?"
"No? Why would I when they've won every game against you?"
I chuckled.
"Just assuming"
He crossed his arms.
"And why are you here? To get information from me?"
I asked sarcastically and rolled my eyes. He looked at me and grinned devilishly, looking away which gave me an uneasy feeling.

"Of course not"

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