Chapter 22

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~ Quinn's p.o.v ~

My mom decided to let me skip school for the rest of the week just because she knows how stressed I am. I haven't left the house since Tuesday and it's already Friday. I haven't really been feeling my happy self either. But I guess I haven't really been for a while.

I was doing a lot today to keep myself distracted from feeling sad and it's been working. I went on my phone for the first time after a few days, but I avoided social media and my messages. I just watched YouTube instead. After that I shopped online and I did my makeup. I then played video games and now I'm cleaning my room. 

My door opens slowly. I look over, seeing Joey walk in.

"Here's the homework"
He tossed it on my bed.
I walked away from my closet and
"You can't keep skipping school. You won't graduate"
"Sure I will. And if I don't, mom will see you graduate"
"She still wants to see you graduate"
He said. I don't respond and continue hanging clothes.

"Im seeing dad tonight if you wanna come"
He broke the silence.
"I'm the last person he wants to see. And I really don't want to be around you"
He said leaning against my door. I looked at him, feeling awkward.

"Are you going to the game tomorrow?"
He breaks the awkward silence again.
"Why not?"
"Everyone hates me, and I really don't want to see Weston tomorrow"
I sighed, starting to feel upset.
"You should go just to get out of the house. Even if it's for like five minutes"
He said. I don't respond.

"Please. Do it for me"
"Because you haven't left the house in a few days, you haven't even gone on the internet. I'm worried, I care about you"
"Since when have you ever cared?"
I scoffed.
"It'd be nice if you came tomorrow. It's all I ask"

"Just to get harassed?"
I let out a soft sigh and hung up my last shirt.

"Maybe you don't have to get harassed"
"What do you mean?"
I asked feeling annoyed.

"We could use you tomorrow"

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