Mirrors Never Lie

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Winifred Ann Tapper strode down the street avoiding eye contact with her fellow pedestrians. It was a life-long habit reinforced over the years to prevent any embarrassment. Growing up her classmates had been cruel. They called her "Winnie the Pooh-face". She ran home crying more days than not. Although, home wasn't much better. She didn't have any expectations of obtaining comfort from her parents. Her mother constantly criticized her. Her father ignored her.

As she got older, she tried to dress nicely and wear makeup like the other girls. The boys teased her. They made great sport of pretending they liked her and then laughing as she scuttled away with her reddened face streaked with tears. It became easier to blend into the background. Winifred had never been on a date or kissed a boy. Any thoughts of having a family someday were forgotten.

Today was her 29th birthday. Her co-workers were unaware. She didn't offer the information. When she started to work there, a few of the employees made some friendly overtures. When they were refused time and again, the offers stopped coming. She would spend her birthday with her best friend, Sam. Sam was a yellow lab who gave her love and companionship.

As she approached her apartment building, Winifred attempted to dodge a man carrying a couple of large cardboard boxes. Despite her attempt to avoid a collision, she ended up on the ground.

"Crap! I'm so sorry. Are you alright, miss? Let me help you up." The man with the boxes had placed them on the stoop before leaning over Winifred and offered her an extended hand.

She stared at the man, and even though her lips moved, she was mute. With blonde hair, green eyes and a big smile, this man expressed more warmth and acceptance towards her than any person ever had before. She clasped his hand and he easily pulled her to her feet.

"I think I'm your new neighbor, Steve Wagner. Sorry we had to meet like this." He continued to hold her hand. "And you are?"

Winifred blinked and blinked again. "Winifred Tapper." She tried to pull her hand free. She felt the blush climbing up her neck headed for her face. A bead of perspiration followed the valley between her breasts. She wanted to run away. "I really need to go, Mr. Wagner. Welcome to the building." She turned to go up the stairs and her new neighbor released his grip on her hand.

"I'm sure I'll see you again, Winifred."

She glanced back before heading inside. Steve Wagner stood in the same spot, smiling up at her. He gave her a little wave. An awkward nod was her reply. She climbed the stairs with feet which felt less leaden than usual. Pressing her palm against her heated cheek knowing a blush remained. Sam greeted her at the door so excited his whole body shook. She squatted beside him scratching behind his ears.

Heading to her bedroom to change, Winifred glanced in the mirror. Reflected back was a young woman with pink in her cheeks, clear skin and sparkling blue eyes. She hummed to herself as she moved to her room.

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