The Hungry Games (A Natalie Story)

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Natalie jumped up and down in front of her mirror trying to suck in her gut. She pulled the edges of her pants together in the hopes that a miracle would happen and she would get them close enough to zip up her lucky jeans.

At least they used to be her lucky jeans.

"Nat! Come on, we need to leave," her roommate, Claudia yelled.

"Just a sec, I'll be out in a minute!" Natalie hopped to her bed. One more thing to try. She flopped onto her back holding her breath while she prayed for divine intervention.

Almost there. Finally they zipped. She lay there wondering if she could actually get up from the bed. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

"Nat! I'm leaving with or without you." Claudia sounded pissed off. Natalie rolled onto her side using her arms to prop herself up into a semi-sitting position. She heard the front door open. If she wasn't meeting up with a guy she had a huge crush on, she wouldn't even go. Natalie couldn't miss a chance to catch his eye.

Natalie shuffled stiff-legged towards her bedroom door. She walked like a zombie in that TV show. That would draw attention.

As she moved down the hallway, she heard Claudia gasp, "How'd you even get those on? You can barely walk. Can you even sit?" Claudia walked around her in a circle shaking her head.

"These are my lucky jeans and I really thought I needed to wear them tonight, but I guess I've gained a bit of weight," Natalie mumbled embarrassed by her lack of discipline. "I'll figure it out. Let's just go, alright. I don't want to be late."

Natalie lurched out to the car and with some maneuvering she was able to close the car door. She reclined her seat back as far back as possible. Natalie was positive the blood supply to her legs was cut off. Her legs felt numb.

"You aren't going to be able to sit at a table," Claudia helpfully informed her.

"I can hang at the bar. I won't be eating anyway. I'm on a diet. Now." Natalie paused when she saw her friend's cynical look. "Besides my jeans would burst if I tried to eat." Natalie's stomach growled loudly. She shot a worried look at Claudia. Her friend laughed so hard she snorted. "That's right, laugh. Ha ha. I'm starving."

The car pulled into the parking lot of the bar & grill. Claudia took pity on Natalie and offered her hand to help her get out of the car. Natalie's breathing was shallow due to her inability to take a deep breath. She promised herself that she'd never ever eat another slice of pizza or have a piece of cheesecake again.

"Do I look fat, Claudia?"

"Sweetie, you look like your jeans are painted on you. Don't look now -- here they come," Claudia whispered. Natalie's dream guy approached with a smile just for her.

Her jeans were lucky.

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