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1 year before season 1 

"Wake up Bug!" Tig said knocking on his adopted daughters door. It was 7:30 and she was going to be late for her first day of senior year. He can't believe it. His little girl was going to graduate this year and maybe go to college and leave him. But he had a feeling that she wouldn't go far or to collage at all. He knew that his bug didn't like school and she'll probably end up working at the garage or until she got an old man that could take care of her. 

"I don't want to, Bubba. I hate everyone that goes to that lowlife school. I don't even need an education to get through life." It was comical the amount of times that Tig and Val had had this same exact conversation.  She never liked school. Not since the first day of kindergarten and she had to be separated  from the guys. 


It was the fist day or kindergarten for Valentine and Tig wasn't ready for the little girl to leave him. It wad weird for him to reference the girl as his. He adopted her the first day she lived with him, so no one could take her away. No one got the connection that little girl had with him. Ever since she was brought to California from Arizona she was always at Teller-Morrow. Gemma and Tig decided to keep her out of school one more year so she'll be better with dealing with her fathers death. 

"Are you ready for your first day, Bug?" Tig asked. 

"No, I don't want to leave you." The little 6 year old girl had tears glazing over her eyes. She know what school was. Her older brother went and never came back until later in the afternoon. It made her sad that she couldn't be with her brother all day. She cried every time he left. So now it was time for her to cry when it's her time to leave. 

"I know baby but you need to go. You're the oldest in you class and we can't keep you at the garage for one more year. I'll be here to pick you up when you're all done. Ok?" 

"Ok, Bubba. I'm not happy about it though. When you pick me up we shall get ice cream!" Valentine exclaimed to her Bubba. Tig smiled at the girl and ruffled her hair as she ran away.

"I love you!" Tig yelled after her 

"Love you too Bubba." She ran away, into her classroom. 

That was the beginning of the hatred of school. 

End Of Flashback: 

Valentine decided to get ready for the last first day of school. She took a shower the night before so she didn't have to wash her hair. She got in the shower and shaved and exfoliated her arms and legs. She dried off and put on a pair of black denim shorts and a white SAMCRO tank top. She left her dirty blonde hair in a pony tail because of the August heat and pulled on her black Doc Martens. She grabbed her navy blue  book bag and left her room. She put her bag on the couch and went to the fridge to get a water. 

"Bug, I need to do something for Clay so Happy is going to take you to school. Your car should be done by the end of next week." Tig kissed her on her head "Love you!" He called out and left on his bike. 

Val poured herself a bowl of Coco Pebbles and ate them in silence as Happy stared at her. She didn't mind. It told her that he was interested in her. Maybe she was naïve and he thought she was a child. Nonetheless, she didn't say anything to him, not wanting his eyes to leave her. When she looked up at him, he was looking straight into her eyes. 

"What time do we got to leave?" Happy's deep raspy voice asked out of no where. It startled her the first time she heard him speak. Now that's all she wanted to hear. His voice against her skin. She could feel it, the wanting of course, not the actual thing. She wasn't quite sure now if she wanted him. She doesn't know why she wanted him in the first place. It's like the memory of her finally realizing that she wanted him was gone. But now when she was alone with him she was questioning it. 

"We can leave after I brush my teeth." She was quick and was back within three minutes. "Ready?" 

"Yeah." Happy let her walk in front of him. He couldn't help himself from staring at her ass as she walked. "The door locked?" Happy asked not wanting to leave a brother's house unlocked. 

"It locks automatically." Val answered as she continued walking towards his bike. She pulled out a helmet from her bag and put it on. She waited for him to get on the bike before getting on after him. She put her arms around his stomach and could feel his abs through his shirt. She rested her head on the back of his kutte and let him drive away. 

Happy already knew what was going to happen getting on his bike with this girl. He knew that she was going to wrap her arms around him and he knew that her body was going to be pressed up on him. In reality when Clay asked someone to go to Tig's house to go take Val to school he volunteered. He didn't know why. He knows nothing about the girl besides what everyone else knows about her. As he got closer to the school he could feel her tense up more. Tig told him the history of her and school. 

As the pulled up into the school all eyes were on them. Valentine got off the bike and placed her bag down. She took of the helmet off her head and put it in her bag. 

"I'll probably be here to pick you up." She nodded and grabbed her bag. "Just text me when you get out. I'll be at the garage all day." 

"I get out at 2:30. Thanks for taking me, Hap." She smiled at him and walked away.

As she walked away he again, having no control of himself, looked at her ass. He smirked. 

"This girl is going to be the end of me." 

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