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7 months before season 1

To say Jax was all right with his sister being invovled with the Tacoma killer was an understatement. Contrary to poplur beleif he didn't want his sister to be with a Son. He knew how sons worked. They cheated, ran guns, killed people and Happy was known for all those things. Not so much the cheating now, but Jax remember the time when Happy had a girlfriend and all he did was cheat. Jax didn't want that for his sister.

Jax was also bothered by the idea that he bought a house. Jax gets that Happy needs his own space but a house that big, he didn't need. Jax only bought his house because he had a wife. But Happy doesn't have a wife, he has Valentine, his little sister. Now that Jax thought about it, Happy most likely bought the house because of his relationship with his baby sister.

Everyone knew what Happy did for the club. Hell, even Val had some ideas of what he did. She knew that people called him the Tacoma Killa. But Jax had a feeling that Happy didn't full out tell her what he did. Jax doesn't have any room to talk though, being that he killed people before, but he wanted his sister to be with someone better than himself. With someone better than Tig or Happy.

Thinking of all the bad made Jax think of the good too. Jax knew that Happy loved his sister. Jax knew that Happy could protect her better than Tig and himself. He knew that Happy could provide for Val. Hell, Happy already has a big enough house for them. Most of all, Jax knew that if anything ever happened to him, he could count on Happy to take care of his sister.

"Jax, what are you doing here?" Jax heard his sister say his. He turned and smiled. He was at her school, waiting for her to get out. He parked behind her car so she would see him. He looked around and found people's eyes staring at them. He turned his attention back to his sister.

"Wanted to see if you want to go get lunch. We need to talk." Jax studied her face. She didn't seem to know what they needed to talk about. But how could she? Jax had some big news and wanted his sister to be the first person that he told. Also it's great time to talk about her relationship with Happy.

"Sure!" Jax could tell that she was excited. Her eyes always got a little bigger when she was excited or happy about something. They haven't really seen each other besides at the clubhouse or at the small amusement park that everyone went to. They got further apart when Jax married Wendy and he hated that.

When Jax saw that Valentine was ready in her Jeep, he started up his bike and lead the way to Hannah's Diner. Val loved this place and the food was good and cheap so Jax picked it. They both got out or off their vehicles and went inside. The hostess sat them in the back and told them that someone would be with them shortly.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Her big blue doe like eyes looked at him, smiling. Whenever he saw her smile all he thought and pictures was her when she was little. They only difference now is that she isn't little.

"Wendy's pregnant." Jax watched as Valentine's face fell.

"What do you mean, that Wendy's pregnant? Didn't you just file for divorce a couple of months ago?" Jax could see that she wasn't thrilled. He understands way, but he was upset to see his sister react like this.

"It just happened Val. I didn't fucking plan it. But I'm going to be there for my child. I want you to be happy for me Valentine." Jax watched as her face got softer and a little guilty.

"Aunt Val does has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Do you know what it is yet?" She smiled as Jax. It was like they were back to them regular selves.

"Don't know if it's a boy or a girl. How are you and Happy?" Jax asked. Before she could answer the waiter came and got their order.

"Great! Don't tell him that I told you this but he is actually really sweet." Jax could tell that she was in love with that man. Her eyes lit up every time she talked about him.

"He treats ya good, right? Don't want to be fighting the Tacoma Killa for your ass." Jax wanted to make sure that he was doing right by his sister.

"Of course he treats me right... Jax why are you asking me all these questions?" Her light brown eyebrows frowning.

"Just want to make sure that you're all right Val. We Sons aren't good guys to have a steady relationship with. Yeah it might be different from other relationships but he's Happy. Fuck his nickname is the Tacoma Killer Val. What the hell are you doing?" Jax voice was low so that no one else could hear him.

"Jackson Nathaniel Teller, I love him! He treats me right and makes me happy. If you can't get behind that than I don't need you." Jax watched as his little sister had tears in her eyes and she stormed out of the diner.

"Fuck me!" Jax out his head in his hands and ran his fingers through his hair. He messed up big time and didn't know how to fix it. He got up living $25 on the table to cover the bill and food that they didn't even get.

Jax got out to his bike and went to the clubhouse. As soon as he pulled up and went inside the clubhouse, he saw that Val was hugging Happy, crying around the bar. She was sitting on one of the bar stools, Happy standing in between her legs. All his brothers were around too. Happy was saying something into Val's ear when he looked  up meeting Jax's eyes. Jax knew he messed up when he saw all his brothers faces along with Happy. He walked up to Val the best he could without being on Happy.

"Val I'm sorry I should nev..." Jax was cut off by a hard slap. His face moved to the left and his cheek was burning and hot.

"You had no right saying that to me Jackson. Don't talk to me until your attitude changes." Again she left. Jax was expecting Happy to follow her but he stood still.

"I don't care if you my VP or not. I don't care what you think about me or my girls relationship but you ever make my old lady cry again, I'll beat you the fuck up." With that Happy left, leaving all his brothers laughing and him scared.

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