Authors Note

9.9K 110 10


I'll read other Sons of Anarchy fanfics and they are twice as good as mine.

I'll read other fics where the authors describes the most exquisite characters without straight out telling you what they look like.

I read other SOA fics and they're like fucking poetry because their words are so articulate and the way the authors display the words that the characters speak bring me back to the excitement I had first watching the show.

And yet those fics have less reads then me.

10k might not be a lot compared to others but for a 4'll 14 year old fat girl from New Jersey it means a lot. I never thought that it would get this many reads and thank you to the people that have been with me since first updating.

A little self promo, I have a Sons preferences story and it includes Jax, Chibs, Happy, Juice, and Tig.


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