Chapter 31

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"Are you ready to find out the sex of your babies, Mrs. Lowman?" The nurse Val. Valentine was lying down on the hospital chair, her shirt up with cold blue gel on her stomach. Happy was next to her holding her hand, ready for the news. 

The club had a bet on the genders and Happy hoped that he was right. He put fifty bucks on two boys, while Val but fifty on two girls. Either way, he was going to be happy with what ever they where or what they grow up to be. 

"Yes, I'm ready." Valentine answered, looking at the monitor. The nurse smiled and started moving stick around her stomach. 

"This is the first baby... and its a girl!" The nurse said smiling. She hit the button for pictures and smiled down at Val. 

Val looked over to Happy, a grin spread across her face. "I'm winning." She said. 

Happy smirked and lightly kissed her lips, "There's still another baby in there." 

"Ok and now onto the second baby... and it's a boy! Congrats guys, you got both a boy and a girl." The nurse said. She took a couple more pictures and wiped off the gel off Val's belly. 

"Are you excited?" Val asked Happy once the nurse left the room. Val pulled down her shirt and hopped off the chair. 

"Of course I am. I'm pissed that Jax and Juice won the bet though." Happy said with a smirk. 

"Don't worry, I'll take the money from them. Now we can start painting and getting stuff ready for the babies." Valentine grabbed her purse off the chair on the way out of the room and the pair walked out of the room and down to the elevator. 

"Your going to put me to work aren't you?" Happy asked, hitting the first floor button. 

"Don't worry, I'll have Jax and Bubba do stuff too. Plus there's Halfsack too." Valentine said, smirking up to her husband. It was still weird to them that they were married and that they were going to have two kids in less than 4 months. 

The two of them walked out to the car and got in. Val was going to trade her Jeep in because it's old and not that safe. She hated it, but liked the idea of getting a fast little car. The drive to the clubhouse only took a couple of minutes and when they got there most of the guys were on there bikes. 

"Whats going on?" Val qustioned as Happy parked her car. 

"The blood drive remember." Happy said. He turned off the car and looked over at Val. 

"I forgot, do you have to go? Or can you hang out with me all day?" Valentine looked over at Happy with the biggest puppy dog eyes she could. She didn't want Happy to go on the drive, knowing that the have big targets on their backs. 

"I would love to stay with you doll but I have to." Happy pulled her into a kiss. Val was the first to pull away and get out of the car. "You can go and tell the guys that your pregnant wife, that's carrying two kids, is having a boy and a girl. I'm going home." 

Val walked over to where Happy was and got into the drivers seat, slammed the door and pulled out of the clubhouse. 

"What's her problem?" Jax asked walking up to Happy. 

"No idea man. You won the bet, having both a boy and a girl." Happy told Jax. 

Jax eyes lit up and he smirked. "Everyone that was in on the bet, I won!" Jax yelled to the guys. Happy heard some groans and Juice's laugh, because he was the only other person that guessed both a boy and a girl. 

Jax chuckled and pulled Happy into a hug, "Congrats man, becoming a father is the best thing in the world. I never loved something as much as I love Able." Jax let go and walked over to his bike and got on. 

Clay came over and said congratulations and handed Happy a gun so he can fire it and start the drive. 


Val was sitting down on the couch, going through baby magazines and circling stuff that she wanted to get for her babies. She was excited to become a mother and she was so happy that, her and her babies where healthy. All she wanted was a family and now she has it. 

A couple hours passed and she started making dinner. Nothing fancy, just a salad and some pasta. She ate in peace, Mayhem, the huge German Shepherded, lying at her feet. She heard her phone go off in the living room, she carefully got up, making sure to not step on the dog, and check her phone. 

Come to the club house. Shit happened- Happy 

Valentine grabbed her keys and purse and left for the club house. On the way there she went over different scenarios of what could of happened. Everything she could think of was getting put into scenarios, some of them about Happy, others about Tig and some about Jax. 

When she pulled up she saw no one outside and the bikes parked sloppy. Val turned off her car and speed walked into the clubhouse. She saw Happy and walked up to him. 

"What happened?" Val questioned. 

"Bobby's bike is fucked and your dad was riding behind him and caused him to fall off his bike." Val's mouth opened and her face looked horrified. "We take him to the hospital and then he gets kidnapped by bounty hunters. We broke him out and now Clay and Jax are fighting." 

"Wheres Bubba?" Val questioned. 

"His room." Happy answered. Val gave Happy a quick kiss and left for her Bubba's room. 

She walked to the door and gentle knocked. She opened it when his voice yelled come in. She walked in and saw him laying on his bed, his leg propped up and arms behind his head. 

"What the hell happened?" Val questioned. 

"Bobby's fucking bike happened. Piece of shit made me almost die. Then a bunch of pussy bounty hunters found me and fucked shit up even more. Piney came and saved me though, that was fucking awesome." 

"Jesus Bubba. Can you die after I have my kids?" Valentine asked with a smile. She laid down next to him and closed her eyes. 

"I'll try bug. I'll try." 

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