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6 months before season 1 

Happy and Val were putting the final touches on his house before he can fully move in. The only room that was done in his house was the living room and parts of the master bedroom. Happy was most excited for his bedroom. He was painting the walls dark grey, the same color of his living room, but the wall that his bed was going to be against was crimson red. The wood trim around the whole room was being painted white. He had Valentine order a bedroom set that had a king size bed, one long dresser that had six drawers, one tall dresser that had six drawers as well. Also a night stand on either side of the bed. The bed frame was black along with the two dressers and night stands. The head broad of the bed though, was leather.

Valentine was busy painting the bathroom in his room a light grey color, that she didn't notice Happy come up behind her. He wrapped his strong arm around her and pulled her off the step latter that she was using. She squealed when she felt his arms around her. He set her on the tan marble counter and stood in between her legs. He looked down at her and she looked up at him. 

"I want you to move in with me when the house is done." Valentines face was shocked. They only been going out for five months and he asked her to move in with him. She wasn't sure if she was ready for that. 

"Happy, I...I don't know. What if it doesn't end up working out? What if you get annoyed with me after a couple of days?" Valentine voice was sweet and unsure. But Happy never thought about any of that because he knew that he loved the girl. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. 

"Doll it's going to work out. We practically live together now." Her blue eyes looked up at Happy and she smiled. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. She pulled back, laying her head on his chest. 

"Ok but we need to finish the house first. Also if I'm going to move in I want a dog." Valentine was joking about the dog but she wanted to see Hap's reaction. 

"We can get a dog but I'm picking the breed. You can pick the name and shit. Now get back to work." Val smiled and Happy smiled back showing his dimples. 

It was around 11 in the afternoon when Val was done with the bathroom. She picked out the light grey and it looked really good. The two of them started painting the bedroom last night and it only had two walls left to paint. Happy was almost done with the last dark grey in the master bedroom and the only part now was to paint the wall crimson red and the wood trim white. Val started painting the wall red making sure to be extra careful, while Happy finished the dark grey and moved to the trim. By one o'clock they were done with the bedroom. They opened the big window looking out to the woods and the one in the bathroom too. 

"You ready to do the rest of the house?" Valentine said as she walked into the kitchen grabbing a water battle out if the fridge and giving one to Happy. Happy went around opening all the windows to air out the house. 

"Yeah, what color did you pick?" In the dining room to the left of the front door held all the paint. The both of them walking into the room. 

"The kitchen and dining room are going to be the same dark grey was the living room. The mud room and house bathroom is going to be the same light grey as your bathroom. The three other bedrooms can stay white until you want to paint them or someone moves in and wants to paint the rooms." Valentine bent down and grabbed the paint. Happy noticed that the light grey only had one can of paint and she grabbed it. 

"You're going to make me do all the big rooms aren't you?" Valentine laughed and gave him a kiss before taking her can of paint and everything she would need into the bathroom. 

It took a while to do the four rooms. Happy realized that Val gave him the easy stuff because all he had to do was paint the four walls of the dining room and the four walls of the kitchen. The kitchen has nothing in it being that Happy got rid of all the old appliances and is getting all stainless steel ones. This house was burning a hole through his pocket but it did help that people owed the club flavors and Happy could use that to his advantage. By five the whole house was done besides the wood trim that needed to be painted white. Happy decided that they could go that tomorrow. 

"Next is outside but the Prospect can do that." Val was sitting on the flour in the kitchen where Happy was putting the finishing touches on the wall. When he was done he sat down next to Val pulling her into his sweaty body. Both of them where covered in paint and sweat.  

"The outlet covers need to be changed. I was think black would look nice against the grey." Val also added. Happy nodded his head and looked around at his house. Or now their house. 

"Whatever you want doll, you can do. Just don't make anything fucking pink." Val laughed and snuggled closer to Happy, once again resting her head on his chest. They talked about the house and want both of them wanted to do. When Val's phone rang, interrupting their conversation. 

"Hey Bubba! Yes I'm with Happy. No I'm not at the house. Really! Do I have to? Ok I'll tell him. Love you too Bubba. Yes I'll get stuff for you. Goodbye. " Val closed her phone running her hands through her hair. 

"What was that?" Happy asked very concerned.

"The clubs on lock down and we have to stay there until it's lifted. I'm going to go take a shower and get ready. We're going to have to swing by Bubba's house to go get clothes for me and him." Val got up and headed to Happy's bathroom. Or now their bathroom. She got in and washed her hair and was getting ready to shave when she felt strong arms around her. Both of the getting spread by the hot water, washing each other off. Having no time for any thing else. Happy got out of the shower first letting Val shave in peace and got ready. Grabbing his Kutte and guns out of the closet so the would be safe from paint. He heard the shower turn off and saw Val get out and dry off. Her grabbing a matching black lace bra and pantie set putting them on, than lotion. 

"Happy if you keep looking at me like that we're going to be late." Happy was smirking at her. She through her towel at him but he caught it. She put on deodorant and Victoria Secret perfume that she had put in Happy's bathroom a day before. She pulled Happy's SAMCRO shirt and black leggings. It was February in California and was still in the 50's. She put on her boots and put her long wet hair in a messy pony tail.

"Ready doll?" She nodded grabbing her jacket locking the door behind her and followed Happy out to his bike. Val getting in her Jeep and Happy on his bike riding behind her. After about ten minutes of driving they pull up to Tig's house. It only took 5 minutes to get everything. She grabbed all the bathroom stuff for her and Tig. Also some clothes for the both of them. Putting all Val's stuff in one bag and all Tig's stuff in the other. Happy grabbed the two bags, putting them in her SUV and they were off again to the clubhouse.  

Valentine was blasting music, thinking hard about all the changes that the club and her family is going through. Her and Happy moving in with each other isn't a big deal but shes still afraid of what her brother and adopted father are going to think. Jax is going to have a baby with a woman that he isn't in love with. Jax, god what is she going to do about Jax and Wendy when all of them are on lock down. It's been five months since Happy and Valentine got together. It's been a month since Jax said those hurtful words to his sister. A month since Happy threatened to beat the shit out of him. A month since Happy called Valentine his old lady. Before she knew it she was pulling into the clubhouse parking lot all her thoughts getting pushed back and a brand new one appearing. 

Why is she on lock down? 

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