Together Again

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Hogen groans ass he finally admits that he probably was not going to find Teresa any time soon. With a grunt, even though it was not that heavy, Hogen puts the HAP onto the ground. Despite Hogen thinking it was not heavy, the weapon was beyond heavy by the way it hit the ground with a thud even though he had put it down gently. 

Hogen sits down under a tree and closes his eyes. For some reason he had a massive head ache and he was extremely hungry. He sits there for a long time, before the most delicious smell he had ever smelled walfed to his nose. "Food." Hogen says and opens his eyes. In front of him was the delicious smell. Unfortunately the smell came from someone, despite the changes, he recognised very well. Teresa apparently did not recognize Hogen as as soon as he looked at her she jump. With a small squeak she truned and tryed to run. But fast as lightning Hogens hand shot out and stopped her. 

"Finally I found you." Hogens says.

"I-I'm not tasty! Please don't eat me!" was Teresa response. 

"Actually you smell quite good, for a fairy." Hogen says thoughtlessly.

"Eek!" Teresa trys to wiggle away again.

"Slow down! Teresa it's me, Hogen!" at that Teresa stops fighting, instead she started glaring.

"Hogen... I am going to rip you to shreads! You scrared the life out of me!" Teresa starts to slam her fist into Hogen's arm. Hogen raises his eyebrow, the punches did not hurt at all, even through that should be rather obvious from Hogens tests fron early.

"Easy now, your going to bruse your hand."Hogen teases.  Teresa no idiot, she could tell that he did not feel her hits as hits at all. She pouts for a moment then asks.

"This isn't Earth, is it?." 

"Probably not." responds Hogen.

"... Then what do we do?" after Teresa asks that Hogen freezes. 

"Huh... I don't know? I guess I'll follow you like always and protect you?" Hogen responds.

"Why did you respond so half-heartily!" Teresa grumbles. Hogen smiles at her.

"I'll follow you to death and beyond, and I guess this is the beyond." Hogen says with a laugh. Teresa smiles back.

"Fine then. If your going to follow me, we are.... Going that-a way!" Teresa points in a random direction. Hogen simply nods. "Alright, carry me." Teresa demands. 

"What? Why?" Hogen asks.

"I don't have any shoes and your bigger than me."

"But... But I have to carry the HAP!"

"You think I'm stupid? I saw the sheath on your back." 

"...Damn?" Hogen reaches behind him, and sure enough, there on his back was a finely crafted sheath for the HAP. Hogen sighs, gives up, sheathes the HAP, and holds out his hand to Teresa. "Milady."

"Thank you." Teresa gives a small curtsy, and takes his hand. Hogen smiles evily and moves his hand like lightning, he yanks up Teresa and sits her down on to his shoulder. Teresa was stiff for a couple of moments untill she started to gut his large head. "Stupid! Are you trying to break my neck!" But her tone had a hit of a smile in it. Hogen smiles and says nothing. He turns and starts to walk off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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