Chapter 11||He is back...

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Another week another day of school "Rise and shine" he said. Cori ripped off my covers as he dragged me out of bed "come on lazy ass get UP"
"FINE f*ck face" I said before kicking him out of the room a** hat. As I got dressed I noticed a note on my desk
Hello how was your sleep
You looked very peaceful..
I know what your thinking
"Oh wow this is freaky" well your CORRECT..anyway just wanted to say I hope you have a special day my darling...write to you soon
Wow this was a cringe letter it's like those stalker letters that show up in serial killer movies..."well makes since, he is I guess my stalker" I crumbled up the note and put it in one of my empty dressers guessing it's somebody trying to freak me out but HA nope not today.
I was about to head out the door when I saw a particular face that made me want to....well I don't know. There through the window that "boy" his gaze burnt straight through me. I opened the door and he had the most suspicious, cheese, and most innocent smile I've ever seen....well I can already tell this was going to be a sh*ty day "Hi R/N how was your night" he said as his smile made me want to hurl "first of all we just met like...yesterday and second of was great" trying NOT to incourge him. As we both walked to school it looked like he was...trying to grab ahold of my
We finally got to school the teacher looked tired as always and the rest of the class looking like they were gonna kill themselves. Somtimes I feel like I'm the only one trying to get good grades in school and now that I think about it....I probably am. After 3rd period it was time to go to my favorite class be honest the only good thing about the class is the teacher. Our teacher Mrs. McClaire was the coolest teacher she is always giving us fun activities and is really enjoyable to be around.
>>Time Skipo<<
Lunch the best time of school when food is served and kids get to be wild and free. As I sat down by I/N and K who were day dreaming of not other the Green Day and 21 pilots I noticed the same boy was staring at me..and not in the usual is like he had...."lust" in his eyes. "R/N please come to the office quickly" now what!
I walked up to the office and saw Cori and Kaden with the cold eyes staring as I walked through door Cori was first to speak saying.."he's back" and at the moment I knew why their stare was so cold....he has returned
UGH I'm bad at cliff hangers--
(Poem by Christy A. Martine)
Your eyes are hollow your heart is shallow and your words mean nothing to me. A lifetime of lies all schemes you devise will eventually lead your demise...
And now a note from ME to YOU
HI just wanted to say that I am SO happy that people are starting to follow I wouldn't think anyone would but you guys surprised me THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! I thank all of you for reading, voting, and following me I will remind myself to follow all of you back as well  WIN WIN!! Now my little dark corner is awaiting me with some joyful HORROR movies...NHEH have a good day humanity

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