Ch.1: The Waiting Game

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Fox paced the length of the office floor, wringing her hands nervously. She hated waiting. Not being able to do anything. She tried not to think about Aviva but she couldn't help it.

Her ADHD hands were fidgeting; looking for something to do. She ran her fingers through her hair again and again. She knew she must look awful; she hadn't slept in days. Her lighting blue eyes were bloodshot and worry lines creased her young face. She had barely eaten anything in weeks and she'd lost weight.

Even with her hair cut as short as a boy's, she still managed to tangle it. The silver ring on her finger snagged a lock of dark brown hair, and she'd just managed to untangle it when Praetor Reyna walked in. Finally.

"Reyna! I mean... Praetor Reyna." Fox tried to compose herself. "You summoned me ma'am."

"Sit down Bellator." her voice sounded strained.

Fox hid her annoyance at being called her real name and took a seat. There were a million questions she wanted to ask but she held her tongue and waited for Reyna to speak.

"I have news." Fox abandoned all manners and leaped to her feet, coming to stand right in front of Reyna.

"Where is she? Who took her? Is she okay?" Words flooded out of her mouth faster than she could stop them. Her distraught blue eyes pleaded with Reyna's dark brown ones. When search party after search party had come back empty handed, they had begun to get very, very worried.

"I was getting there. But please do not speak until I am completely finished, please."

She motioned for them to sit on a couch at the side of the office. Once seated, she took a deep breath and began.

"I've received a dream from Prosperina." Fox knew demigod dreams were nothing to joke about. They were almost always visions of true things. Or in this case, god visitation. Reyna kept talking. "One of Pluto's weapons of power has been stolen. His sword. Prosperina said they're trying to keep things quiet for as long as possible for the sake of Pluto's reputation. The sword has the key to death molded into the stygian iron. The key to death allows the dead to come fight with you or, with one touch, will expel your soul to the Underworld. It is very dangerous and could be disastrous in the wrong hands. I need you to find it and bring it to Prosperina. I called a quest and I would like you to lead it. The consul has already voted. What do you say Miss. Bellator? As a centurian you will be allowed any two companions you wish."

Fox didn't hesitate. "I will accept the quest and will ask Xander Briggs and Kane King to come with me. But-" Fox looked away and blinked back tears "If there's any news..."

"Prosperina said the sword was stolen at the time of the winter solstice meeting. Pluto left the sword where it was presumably safe in the Underworld while he was in Olympus. Do you think the timing is a coincidence?" It only took her a minute to put the pieces together.

"My sister disappeared the day after. On December, 22! You think there's a connection?" Her brain buzzed. After searching for her missing sister for three days with absolutely no leads, she grasped at any rays of hope.

"It's definitely a possibility. It's part of why I chose you for this quest. I also know you are quite restless. "

"But I have no idea where to start."

"Well first you and your companions must travel to the underworld and meet with Prosperina. You have been invited to do so. The rest will come from there."

Fox bowed respectfully. "Thank you Praetor Reyna for the honor of leading this quest. I won't let you down.

Reyna nodded "I know you won't. Although-" Reyna surveyed Fox carefully. "I am going to give you some words of wisdom before you go. You were not given this quest lightly. The council, along with my fellow praetor, suspected that you were too close to the quest and would not be able to remain objective. I, however, convince them to give you the quest. Your objective is simple. Find the sword, and return it to Proserpina and Pluto. Unfortunately, you only have three weeks to accomplish your goal. Any longer, and-"

Rage mixed with worry and twisted in her gut. She had a pretty good feeling what Reyna would say next. She dared ask though. "And what?"

Reyna stared her down, no pity in her gaze. Fox appreciated that. She hated people's pity. "If you do not return the sword in the allotted time, or you choose to stray from your task in any way, you will be relieved of your position as centurion."

Fox exhaled a sharp breath. She had worked so hard to become -and remain- centurion. Any other day, her career on the line would have devastated her. Today, it seemed like nothing else mattered other than returning her sister safely home. And if this missing sword was a link to get Aviva back, then she would not rest until she uncovered the truth.

Fox gave a steady nod. "I understand and accept ma'am."

"Then you are dismissed" Fox balled her right hand in a fist and brought her forearm over her chest in a single snapping motion and bowed.

Reyna returned the gesture and Fox left the office.


Fox walked home in silence. When she arrived at her godparents house, four people rose to greet her; their faces filled with anxiety at any news she might bring.

Fox shook her head. "You'd all better sit down." she scanned all their worried faces. She could see her family was worried about her. Uncle Frank, and Aunt Hazel, -her godparents- and Xander Briggs and Kane King her best friends or her brothers as she commonly referred to them.

She told them everything Reyna had told her about the sword and the quest. She looked at her best friends. "Xander, Kane, will you come with me? If there's ever the possibility that I can find her, I- I have to go."

Xander, always the first to volunteer to get himself killed, said "Sure thing"

Kane, more cautious, answered next. "'Course we'll go with you Fox." he flashed her a reassuring smile.

Fox let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Thanks you guys. I don't know what I'd do without you.

She glanced nervously at Uncle Frank and aunt Hazel. Would they object to her going? She could almost imagine Uncle Frank saying: "Fox! How can you think of going on a quest at a time like this??!! What about your missing sister?! Don't you love her? What kind of person are you?" Fox wondered that herself. But he just said, "Your quest, your choice. I'm not about to tell you what to do. You've served in the legion ever since you were old enough and have gone on many dangerous quests before. Stay safe. We can't lose you too, OK?"

Fox sighed her relief. "Deal. We leave at first light."

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