Ch 9: Ro almost pees her pants

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Waking up with a giant wolf growling in your face is just as terrifying as it sounds. Drool dripped on her forehead, startling Ro awake. Seeing what was standing before her, she nearly wet herself (she was glad she went to the bathroom before bed) before she remembered she probably shouldn't make any sudden movements and startle the beast.

She didn't get the chance. As soon as she was awake, the wolf moved over to Logan's tent and stood up on it's hind legs. Then it proceeded to rest it's front paws on the top of the tent and shake it. Grumbles from Logan showed that he too was now awake, but still oblivious to the threat.

While the wolf had been shaking the tent, Ro had slowly and cautiously stood up to survey the danger. Instinct it seems had woken up her comrades, who were also standing silently, waiting. The wolf moved over to Xander, who apparently slept like the dead and had yet to wake up. Kane beat the wolf to it. Ro watched as Kane placed his hand over Xander's mouth and shook him awake, all the while speaking calmly. "Xander. Wake up but don't make any sudden moves." Xander's eyes shot open in a panic, but, to his credit he didn't scream or jump or wet himself like Ro wanted too.

With all of them awake —some more than others— the wolf moved over to a place where it could be seen by all of them. Ro studied the beast. It was at least as large as a small pony. It had huge paws with long claws that looked like they could lob your head with one swipe. Everyone was silently, slowly, stealthily moved their hands toward their weapons.

Then it spoke. The demigods' eyes widened and Logan dropped the sword he'd been holding. Being that wolves were one of Artemis' sacred animals, when one started speaking, you tended to listen. This one was telling them to go to the Coca-Cola factory, with these Romans who they were now supposed to think of as allies. Ro could not believe it.

Ro had always been quick to make friends and she had no problem being friendly with these Romans but the fact that Persephone had meant for them to meet these Romans, get along with them immediately, and go on the quest together without any problems or anything bothered her. She did not like people telling her who or what to be, what to do, how to act. As a matter of fact, Ro would have objected at the beginning but, she was hungry, the Romans had offered to buy them food, and Ro never said no to food. Plus, prison breaks had a way of bonding people.

And now, there they were, standing in front of the Coca-Cola factory where the wolf just sat down. They knew the wolf was from Persephone because he had a collar that said, 'If found, please return to Persephone'. Also, he said, "I was sent by Persephone." They figured she asked him to show them the way to go. But the Coca-Cola factory? That's insane. But, when you're a demigod, everything is insane.

They all walked up to the factory and were immediately greeted by a middle aged man with curly black hair, blue eyes, and a troublemaker's smile. The name tag on his Coca-Cola factory uniform read Hermes, but even without it she would have instantly recognized him as her grandfather. Ro and her mom both inherited that mischievous grin. He looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes and embraced her. He reminded Ro so much of her mother that she almost teared up. "Dear Ambrosia," He said in a deep voice that seemed quite god-like. "I have been watching your progress and am very glad you were chosen for this quest. I was hoping to meet you before you were tragically killed and was delighted when Persephone asked me to remind you to follow Pistos."

"Pistos?" Fox interjected. Way to go, Fox! I was having a special moment.

"The wolf Persephone sent. He will be your guide on this quest."

"Great!" Logan added. He loves animals.

"Also," Hermes added. "I know how hard quests are and, to help you work on the next clue, I bought you tickets for the factory. Tour the factory and you might find something to help you out."

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