C22 - We're only friends

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C22 - We're only friends


It's Thursday and I don't feel like going to any of my classes today.

I'm still upset about Hoseok, though.

I mean, I should be, right?

I was rejected, as always.

(Like that is new to me when it comes to him.)

Hoseok is, like, the human rejector.

I sigh.

By the way, yesterday when I went back to the game I didn't see him there. My team won the match, without me even playing for a second. We got home and Jimin asked me why I was sad when I should be celebrating because we had won, but I didn't answer him. I just went straight to my room and didn't go out to eat dinner. I cried myself to sleep last night.

I'm such a wimp, I know.


I quickly sit up and get out of the bed, trudging my way towards the door, fixing some hair strands here and there.

"Open it," I say the command and the door instantly opens, revealing a very concerned Jimin on the other side, his eyes are almost looking like saucers.

From here, he looks like a puppy. He has his forehead furrowed and he's biting his lip.

"I'm sorry," he says and bows his head.

Oh no.

I shake my head.

"No, Jimin," I tell him and pull his body for an embrace. "You did nothing wrong."

Truly, why is he acting like this, though?

"But why are you mad?" His voice is so small that I feel guilty I made him think it was his fault I got upset.

"I'm..." I stop. Should I tell him? Probably. But I can't tell him for now. "I just... miss my parents."


He lets go and looks at me.

"We should be going now," he says and looks at the walls. "What time is it now?"

"It's 7:20 a.m.," the robot answers immediately and Jimin is already pushing me inside.

"Go get dressed!" he says. "I'll be meeting you with Mark in the living room."

And with that, he leaves. I close the door and head to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I shouldn't be late for my first class today which is Literature.

I shake my head and stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. From my dirty golden locks, to my upturned nose, to my gaping lips, I don't know what made Hoseok think that I didn't deserve his friendship. I mean, I don't look that horrible. I'm perfectly fine. I look perfectly human.

I sigh and stare at the mirror once again before getting under the shower.

"You're going to be fine," I say to myself.

I'm going to be fine.


"See you in the cafeteria at lunch!" Jimin says and pats my back, his warm smile visible, eyes crinkling.

I'm glad he's okay now.

I nod at him and Mark bows at me before leaving with Jimin.

"Bye, hyung!" Mark chirps with a cheerful wave of his hand.

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