This is where i open up for what and who i really am, and how i really feel. And if you just come here, to shame me for being honest about myself n' shit.. Kindly leave, and i don't mean for any of this to get too personal or too depressing; But, i...
I have been put into a category of mental illness that seems, honestly very understandable at this point; I honestly had no idea how i really felt when my doctor told me i have Bipolar Depression. It is treated with medicine and honestly i can see where it originated and how it did. I don't know, some points in time i can make so many people happy and laugh and shit like that and its good, i feel good. Then other times i just cant leave me bed. Its like me constantly shifting from different mood poles, one point I'm extremely sinful. Another point I'm very hostile and my mood elevates. Excess desire for sex.. I feel like I'm slowly shifting away from my friend group. And what makes it sadder is that I'm telling strangers online about this shit. When they have their own problems they need to deal with, so basically I'm the dead goose you drag of the friend group. I sit in my bed wondering about myself and thinking silently, fuck-- I've burned my hand with a hot glue gun at school and people still think it was a 'har har joke' 'haha i failed to make the expectations people want and expect me to be' If you don't believe me I'll be more than fine sending a damn picture... sorry if that sounded harsh.. Damn i sound edgy right about now. Its like i said earlier, some times i can make so many people happy and laugh and its great. But other times, I'm so scared and lost between reality that i just recoil into my own little safe space or something like that..
Might as well put something to balance it out..
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