Episode 1 : Passed Time

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"Daddy!" yelled a young girl shaking Sebastian's arm. The girl's skin was peach and it was so smooth that it reflected light. Her blue eyes sparkled when the pink area of her hair shifted out of the way of her left eye. Her hair was white, but as it neared her forehead, it mixed in with pink. She seemed around five years old, and she wore a white dress that stopped at her knees.

Sebastian slowly sat up in the bed, rubbing his weary eyes. At first his vision was occasionally blurred, but after a while, it gained focus.

"Mom wants to see you, she's in the kitchen," she said.

Sebastian slowly got out of bed, revealing the plain black T-shirt and black, above knee shorts that he wore as the covers of the bed fell off him.

He slowly followed the girl as she led him through the house which was designed in a black and white theme. As Sebastian walked, through the house, he noticed a young boy sitting in the far right area of the living room. The boy had black hair that became purple as it approached his forehead. The young girl sprung towards him, attempting to free the blue gaming console from his grasp.

"Mom said you're not supposed to be playing anymore games until you're not grounded anymore!" the girl yelled.

"Who cares what mom says? It's mine, I can do whatever I want with it," he replied.

Sebastian left the two to their business as he approached the kitchen. Standing in the middle of the kitchen was a woman. She wore a velvet dress and a white hat that concealed her hair, due to the fact that her back was towards Sebastian.

Sebastian cleared his throat, "Ummm..... Baby?" he said.  As a reply to his call, she began to turn in his direction, but before he could see her face, there was a sudden jolt in his stomach.

"Wake up sleepyhead!" Corneillia yelled. She sat on his abdomen, with her face directly above his. He woke and in his sudden movements, Corneillia was pushed off his body. There was a brief 'thud' as her buttocks connected with the floor.

"What was that for?" she asked while rubbing her butt.

"It's your fault for startling me like that, don't you think?" Sebastian replied.

"Don't push the blame over to me," Corneillia said while giving off a cute little pout.

It's been three whole months since the death of Shouji Kliver. Since then, there have been very few reports of murders due to vampire attacks in Elqiou City. Over the weeks, due to their leader gone, vampires have begun to live in harmony with the humabs. They have both accepted each other into the world, which means there is no reason for vampire hunters to exist anymore. There are even cases of humans donating their own blood, in order to keep the vampires alive. They are now noticed as creatures that have a right to live.

Sebastian smiled as he got out of bed and made his way to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, Sebastian scanned it's contents, "Corneillia! Did you drink all of the blood again?" he asked.

Corneillia, who followed behind him, quickly tried to hide the half empty pouch of blood behind her, "No," she hurriedly replied.

Sebastian rolled his eyes as he sighed, "If you keep drinking down the blood like that I'll be dehydrated in no time," he said as he took the pouch from her and sucked up whatever was left inside.

He threw the pouch in the nearest bin as he sat around the counter yawning, "We're gonna have to go to the blood store today because of you."

"It's not my fault, I need it too you know," Corneillia replied offensively.

"Yeah, I know that, but the problem is you only need it every two weeks, not everyday,: Sebastian said bluntly.

Corneillia didn't bother to reply as she walked out of the kitchen. Soon after, a 'buzz' sound was heard coming from the living the room, but being in the living room already, she lightly tapped one of the three sides of the blue, crystal prism before her.

The prism emitted light that formed a surface in order to display an image. The image was of Yukinae in the forest, "How's my baby doing?" she asked full of joy.

Yukinae then saw the image on the screen before her was Corneillia and not Sebastian, "Ugh, It's you again."

"Oh, your baby's doing fine, that's if you're talking about the dog," Corneillia replied, completely ignoring Yukinae's most recent remark.

As if on queue, a white furred dog jumped up onto Corneillia's lap, "You missed her too, ain't that right right Shinjiku?" she said while petting the dog.

Sebastian walked into the room and sat beside Corneillia, "Why'd you call this time Yuki?" he asked.

"I just wanted to say that my aunt and I are almost done looking for the amulet, so after being gone for almost a month, I'll be back in only a couple of days," she said cheerfully.

"Well that's good to hear," Sebastian replied.

Yukinae smiled then went back to a straight face, "Anyways, how are things in the city?" she asked.

"Everything's running smoothly, no complaints or anything since you've been gone," Sebastian said.

Yukinae seemed relieved as she sighed, "Okay, I'll call you when we've retrieved the amulet, I'll talk to you guys later..... And be careful, you'll never know what could happen."

The image faded back into the prism as Sebastian got up and put on his jacket.

"Where are you going?" Corneillia asked.

"I'm going to the blood store, as I said.... we're running low on blood."


"Ryuga, where are you going now?" asked a tall, barbarian-like red haired mon, who only wore a sweater made of wolf skin that was too short for him, as well as a tight pair of black pants.

He followed a white haired boy who only wore a simple white T-shirt as well as black jeans that stopped directly over his ankle.

"Out of us all, you're the only one that complains rather so frequently Marco, can't you be like the others and shut up every once in a while?" replied the boy.

Marco looked behind him, viewing the four people that followed. The one closest to him, named Lyn Evermore, had an overall gothic appeal. His hair was black and relatively unkept as he allowed most of it to go back in a ponytail. He wore a spiked collar along with a black jacket much similar to Sebastian's, that covered a purple top underneath it. He wore what basically everyone else wore, which was a pair of black jeans.

Following closely behind Lyn was Mikami. She is not known to have a surname because she was abandoned after birth. She has green hair and her eyes were white, unlike everyone else. Her clothes were relatively grey all throughout.

Beside Mikami was Lyn's younger sister, Stell, who, like her brother has black ,unkept hair but she was in no way gothic. Stell always tried her best to oppose her brother, for example, instead of wearing all black, she wore all white.

At the far back, was the one person who was most important person in the group, Ameria Tsukishima. She has light blue hair, and she was the one half breed at top priority, because she is the first and last hybrid born to a goddess instead of a human.


"Aunt Valerie," Yukinae called.

"Yes child?" Valerie answered with the obvious tone of someone that have been annoyed.

"How much longer till we get to the amulet?" Yukinae asked.

Valerie looked as if she was about to blow a casket, "Maybe we'd be there already if you stopped asking me that question!"

Yukinae frowned at her words and silently followed behind her aunt.

After hours of cutting, they finally found a stone in the that had a purple amulet placed in the middle.

"With a large smile on her face, Valerie said, "That's it," as she pulled it out of the stone.

As if possessing a mind of its own, the stone leaped from Valerie's hand and went straight after Yukinae. It stopped right before her and placed itself around her neck. Yukinae's eyes became blank as a serge of purple energy rushed out of her body.

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