Episode 2: Celest

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"Ameria," Ryuga called.

"Yes Ryuga" she answered.

"Could you come here for a second" he asked, leaning up against a rock, as the light of the fire set before him danced in his red eyes.

Ameria wasted no time in getting up and making her way towards her partner in crime, tip toeing over the sleeping bodies of her comrades.

Ryuga took her hand and walked until her arrived at a distant area. The area seemed to be a beach, due to the consistent crashes of water on the shore, but it was hard to tell because of the absence of sand and light.

Ryuga took a seat on the rock closest to where he stood as his white hair blew in the cold wind, "Please, sit," he said as he motioned to Ameria for her to sit.

She did as she was told and sat on the rock that Ryuga motioned to, trying to warm herself.

"Are you cold?" Ryuga asked.

"N-no, I'm okay," Ameria lied, trying to stop herself from shivering. Her light blue hair blew rapidly as the wind picked up speed.

Ryuga shook his head and looked into her lime green eyes, which somehow sent a warm sensation running throughout her body. His eyes then began to sparkle as it filled with water, "Tell me the truth Ameria... Do you think what we're doing is evil?"

Crying. Yukinae cried on the floor with her hands and legs covered in blood that was not her own.

She consistently stared at the palm of her right hand as her left hand covered her mouth. Tears fiercely ran down her cheeks as she forced herself to move over the body of her aunt. Valerie was dead. Her body looked as if it was a psychopathic serial killer murdered her. Yukinae wanted to believe that was what happened but she couldn't, because she remembered, she remembered every single detail clearly. She murdered her aunt.

"Sebastian, how dare you!?" Corneillia asked with her hands on her waist while glaring at Sebastian.

"What did I do?" he asked defensively.

"You only bought one packet of blood! How's that supposed to serve the both of us?" she said.

"I'm sorry, this one is for me. You don't need anymore for the next two weeks," Sebastian replied while giving her a friendly smile and began to walk away.

Corneillia sighed and followed behind him with her hands crossed as Sebastian began to drink the blood from the packet.

While Sebastian drank, a random man, who had a good build, ran up to Sebastian and tackled him. The man was bald and his eyes had no colour at all. Based on that Sebastian could tell he's no vampire, and he smelled like no human either.

Corneillia speedily kicked the attacker from off of Sebastian. Afterwards she helped him up and ensured that there were no marks or bruises.

"Yes I'm fine," Sebastian said after he realized what she was doing.

Their attacker, who was slightly bruised, got up and went at it again. This time, Sebastian carefully evaded each of his attacks, whilst trying not to hit into an innocent bystander.

The man twist and turn with various attacks and no matter how much he failed, he proceeded to try and catch Sebastian.

As soon as Sebastian acquired a bruise on his neck, he jumped back as far as could. At that time Corneillia went by his side, finally deciding to help.

"Let me take it from here, okay?" she said

"No, he's not a vampire... I don't want to hurt him," Sebastian said as response.

As if it was timed, the man took out a bladed object, presumably an knife, but on it were special carvings that Sebastian has never seen before in his life.

As the man neared, Sebastian became paralyzed. He couldn't move, no matter how hard he tried. He began looking around, hoping for help from Corneillia, but she was stabbed by someone else, who's face was masked. The knife he held had the same carvings as the one that the other attacker owned.

Before he knew it, he was impaled and his vision instantly went blank.

"What are you?" Yukinae asked in a concerned tone.

A purple figure neared her and slowly pressed her finger on Yukinae's lips, "Hush child, just allow me to do my work." Her voice echoed throughout the empty vacuum.

"You need not to interfere with my plans, you are simply my host, once I am done, you can do as you wish with your body and you will be able to have unlimited power... Deal?"

"What is it you want with me?" Yukinae asked.

"That is not something I would simply let you know, but at least you can know a portion of it," the figure said.

After that being said, Yukinae slowly began to relax as the purple figure neared her.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"I am Celest," Yukinae's eyes widened at those three words.

"No way... You're lying. You could never be," Yukinae said in disbelief.

"Why would I need to lie to a mere mortal?" Celest asked, "I am indeed Celest, Goddess of Magic."

"If you are Celest," Yukinae shrugged, "Why are you speaking to me?"

Celest chuckled and pointed towards Yukinae's chest where the amulet was, "That is the main reason I am here. A few thousand years ago I was sealed inside of that until my most worthy descendant would come along and free me."

Yukinae took a huge gulp before asking her next question. All shock and disbelief left her and her body was filled with rage, "Why did you kill my aunt?"

"Her intentions with my power was evil... She had to be exterminated," Celest replied.

Yukinae's eyes flushed with water as disbelief took over once again.

"There there, you'll be okay," Celest said as she pat her head, "As long as you don't stand in the way of my goal."

"And what could that possibly be?"

"To find the person who owns the red amulet."

Ryuga who was wondering on the windy shore of the beach held his glowing red amulet in the palm of his hand, "What am I supposed to do with you?" he asked himself.

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