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"Hey Demi we got another one," Collins yelled from across the field. I look up from my clipboard to see Collin coming over to me with a girl behind him. She has to be at least 15-16 years old. Her long blond hair flowed behind her as the breeze ran through her. I walk over to them with a smile on my face.

The girl hides behind Collin clearly scared out of her mind. Was she taken here by force or willing. I raise my eyebrow at Collin asking what the situation was. He takes my clipboard and scribbles something on it and hands it back to me. "Hey I got to see where Deven is," Collin says.

I watch the little interaction with the girl and Collin. "Your in good hands Sabrina. Demi is going to take care of you ok. She's my best friend so you don't need to be worried," he smiles at her. Sabrina huh. He gives her a hug and walks down the hill towards other people coming from the buses.

I turn my attention to Sabrina who is fiddling with her fingers. Let's see why she's here. I look at Collins handwriting barely making any of his loopy letters. Abuse. That's it? Nothing else. Well sometimes you have to play the cards your get. I crouch down so I'm look into her eyes. She seems so scared.

I carefully take my hands and put them into hers. "Hey honey I promise you your going to be safe now. No more bad people because your surrounded by people who care about you. It might take you a while to believe it but in time you will see," I softly say to her giving her hands a light squeeze.

She nods her head a tear slipping down the side of her eye. She wipes it off with her sleeve. Her sleeve scrunches up showing a bunch of white lines. I get up and smile down at her. I hold my hand out for her to take. She hesitantly puts her fingers around mine. I feel her shaking like crazy.

I rub my thumb over her hand and start to walk towards the nurses cabin to check her out. Every now and than I would glance down at her. She seemed to be in her own world. I watched her interact with the outdoors. Each time a bird sang she would scan the sky for it or when the trees swayed she smiles.

"Alright Sabrina here we are. We just got to check you out make sure your ok," I smile at her shaking her out of her trance. She looks at the cabin and nods. Her big swallow doesn't go unnoticed by me either. I push the door open and let her go in first. I walk in after her and lead her to a bed.

I help her up since it's a bit high for her to reach. I turn to leave but I feel someone's grip tighten on me. I turn around to see Sabrina gripping my hand tightly. She notices what she's doing and immediately lets go. She puts her hand in her lap and starts playing with her fingers.

I walk over to her and pick her chin up. A few tears are coming down her face but she's trying to keep them in. "Oh honey it's ok your don't have to be afraid. I promise you no ones going to hurt you," I softly say to her wiping away the tears. She shakes her head taking deep breaths.

Demi wipes away the tears falling from my eyes. "Sabrina it's ok to talk. No ones going to hurt you here. I promise," she says looking into my eyes. I wish I could believe that but my mind won't allow me to. The voices in my head would only scream at me till I have to scream on top of my lungs.

Demi leaves to go somewhere. No please don't leave me. No Demi please come back I can't believe alone. I start breathing heavily and picking at the bed. My nails dig into the bed trying to keep myself from floating away. It's happening to me again and I can't stop it. I'm having a panic attack.

"Alright here yo–, woah there your ok Sabrina I'm not going anywhere. I hear Demi say. But I'm too far into it. I shake my head trying to get air into my lungs. I feel two hands on the side of my face picking my head up. I look up to see Demi starring at me. I stare at her eyes trying to grip something.

She rubs her thumb across my cheeks not breaking eye contact with me. I shakily bring my hands up her hers and place them on top of her. "That's right baby girl. Your going to be okay because I'm right here. I'm always right here," Demi says to me. After another two minutes of this I find my breath.

I take one last deep breath calming down fully. I can't believe it. I didn't pass out from it this time. I look into Demi's eye and for a second a hint of happiness takes over me. But it vanishes that quickly. "Ok Sabrina Nick is going to check you over to make sure your all good," Demi says to me.

I really want her to stay with me but she probably has to meet other people. I nod my head not daring to speak. "Your safe Sabrina I promise," Demi says kissing the side of my cheek. I watch her leave the door shutting. I place my hand up to where she kissed me. I haven't been kissed like that ever.

I break my look from the door to see a tall guy standing in front of me. A little intimidating I sit back a little. But Demi said I was safe multiple times so I trust her. I'm probably going to regret it in the long run though. That's what always happen to me. Nothing good ever happens to me.

"Hey Sabrina my names Nick. Is it ok if I check you over make sure your working well?"  He asks sitting down in front of me. Wait your asking me permission. Usually I wouldn't have a choice. I was forced. Hey that rhymes. I nod my head at him telling him he can check to make sure I'm good.

He smiles at me and takes the heart listening thingy off his neck and places it against me chest. "So Sabrina how old are you?" Nick asks me moving to the other side. Shit I have to talk. I really don't want to hear the other voices. I've stopped talking four years ago so they wouldn't bother me.

"Here why don't you write it down," he says handing a clipboard with paper and a purple pen. Hey my favorite color. I uncap the pen and write my age in fancy font. He sits back down and write something on his clipboard. He looks back over at me and looks at the board. I thought I saw a tint of sadness.

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