Chapter 6- Back To Square 1

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"Sabrina hold still for the last time god damit!" My mother screamed trying to inject the chemicals into my body once more. Tears stream down my face as I try breaking against the restrictions but it doesn't help me. Mom puts the chemicals into my arms with such force it leaves a mark.

I scream out in unbearable pain as the chemicals take their course in my body. My heart rate goes up and I start twitching. "This is it lucis we have the answers," my mom told my dad writing stuff down. I stop twitching falling forward in my chair. Take deep breaths I go unconscious.

"GOD DAMIT WHY DOESN'T SHE DO ANYTHING RIGHT MARY!" My dad yells at my mom throwing a chemical bottle on the floor. It leaks everywhere causing a chemical reaction. "Abandoned in lab go go," my father yelled at my dad grabbing a bunch of papers from his desk.

I try so hard to get out of the chair but nothing helps. The chemical gas reaches me and goes through my airway. I cough trying to get clean oxygen into my lungs but the lab is to intoxicating for any oxygen to be made. They left me. They didn't care about me I was just the lab rat.

"NOOO PLEASE COME BACK!" I yell bolting up from my pillow. I wack my face on the ceiling of my bunk making a headache come to mind. Sweat is all over me and I'm shaking a mile a minute. I look at the girls to see if I woke anyone up. Everyone is fast asleep snoring.

I look over at Lauren to see her halfway off the bed. I grab my watch from the window still and check the time. 1:30am. I comb my fingers through my hair trying to steady my breathing. I look out to the sky to see the stars playing in the great field. I skillfully climb over Lauren and push her back into the bed.

I quietly slip out of the cabin and outside. A warm breeze welcomes me as it twirls my hair around. I climb up the side of the cabin and lay on the roof. "Hello moon. Long time no hear. How you been holding up? You seem to be gratin brighter," I smile up to her. The night sky answers me.

The trees sway in the wind as the bird hum a respond. I smile at her and watch her kids surround her making her more beautiful. "Goodbye moon. Hope to see you around," I smile as I watch it hide behind a stretch of clouds.

I move around in my bunk trying to keep sleeping. Knowing it's not going to happen I decide to go outside and see if I can see the moon. I carefully tiptoe out of the cabin and walk outside stretching my limbs. A cool air runs through me making me smile in content.

"Camila what are you doing out here?" Someone whisper yells scaring the living bananas out of me. I spin around to see who asked me the question. I look up to see Sabrina on the roof laying way too close to the edge for my liking. Also why is she up there? How did she get up there?

I walk over to her and look up at her. "How......why......get down here right now!" I whisper yell at her stomping my foot. She slides to the end of the roof and flips off the roof landing perfectly on her feet. I just stand there stupefied at her. She walks over to me and closes my mouth.

She walks back over to the cabin but I spin her around looking at her. Her eyes are blood shot and I can tell she has been up forever. "Hey bug you ok?" I ask brushing some hair out of my face. She nods her head and tries to walk away. But I just grip her shoulder so she can't move anymore.

I glare at her knowing she's not ok. "I-its r-really n-nothi–," she stutters out her voice failing her. I bring her into a massive hug holding her in my arms. She cowers into me crying into my chest. Her heart wrenching sobs make my heart break a little more every time. I rock us back and forth calming her.

"Shh bug I've got you. Your ok I've got you," I say into her ear. She holds onto me for desk life like her life's depends on it. My poor baby. I look down at her to see her silent but tears are still rushing down her face. "I-I'm s-sorry," she stutters wiping her nose. I give her a sympathy look.

She turns back to the cabin but doesn't go in. I walk over to her and kneel down so I'm face to face with him. She's shaking and more tears are coming down. That's it Mission Little Nugget is happening now. I can care less if people give us weird looks she needs to be cared for.

"Come here bug," I say holding my arms out. She runs into them holding on to me. I easily pick her up and walk back into the cabin. Everyone is still sleeping the whole houses filled with snores. "Hey who do you want to sleep with?" I ask her bouncing her up and down on my hip.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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