Chapter 1- Cabin Roomates

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"Ok Sabrina you seem to be in working shape. Just a few scratches that I'm not worried about. I'm a little concerned about your arms though. My eyes go wide at the mention of them. I shake my head violently trying to tell him it's not what he think it is. "Woah there calm down," he says holding me down.

He hands me a clipboard and pen while he walks to a cabinet and place my papers in a folder. It's not what you think it is. I don't do good with that stuff. I can't really tell you how I got them right now. Can you please believe me when I say that? I wait till he comes back and give it to him.

He takes the paper and reads it. He looks at me for while searching for something I think. "Ok I'll believe you......for now," he smiles putting the board down. I take a deep breath not realizing I was holding in my breath. Nick helps me down from the bed and walks me to the door.

We walk outside but I don't move off the nurses grown. There's kids everywhere laughing and smiling. Some hugging people others spinning each other around. I step back scared out of my mind. I bump into something hard. I look up to see Nick standing behind me. He looks down at me.

I guess I had a worried look on my face cause he pats my back reassuringly. "Ah Collin. Do you mind if you can bring Sabrina over to Demi. I don't know what cabin she wants Sabrina in?" Nick ask Collin.

Collin comes over to us and smiles at me. "Yeah sure Nick. See you at the campfire?" Collin asks. "You can bet on that," Nick laughs walking back into the nurses office. I look up at Collin to see him smiling at me. I turn around to see what he's smiling at. But there's nothing there. Wait is he smiling at?

No that's crazy why would he smile at me. I'm nothing. "Ready to meet Demi?" Collin asks. I look at the camp grounds fear overflowing my body. But my head nods yes like I have no control over it. I walk off the nurses ground and onto camp ground. My hands are shaking a mile a minute.

Collin must've seen I was nervous cause he took my hand and held it in his. I relaxed a little knowing I wasn't going to be trampled by anyone. I look around the grounds appreciating the great outdoors. I was never allowed outside before this. I gaze at the sun and how it goes through the trees.

That is one strong sun if you can see the rays. I see Demi in the middle of a group directing them to a cabin. Demi sees me and walks over to me. "Hey I see Collin and you found me. You ready to meet you cabin mates?" Demi asks holding her hand out. No. But of course I nod my head again.

"Thanks Collin," Demi says. I watch Collin walk back down the hill. I let go of Demi's hand and run after him. Reaching him I tug on his shirt. He spins around surprised I was there. "Hey there Sabrina what's up?" Collin asks. I give him a big hug squeezing his waist. He hugs me back tightly.

I watch in shock as Sabrina willing hugs Collin. I watch as Collins face goes to pure shock. He looks up at me making eye contact with me. I smile at him and give him a thumbs up. She talked Collin mouth. My mouth breaks out into the biggest grin ever. Sabrina comes running back over to me.

She takes my hand again like nothing ever happened. Blinking that away we start walking towards cabin 27. I glance at Sabrina to see her head down. But I'm pretty sure I saw a smile on that face of hers. I decided to bunk her with fifth harmony. I already told them about her so they know what to do.

We walk up the hill and stop a little way from the cabin. I kneel down in front of Sabrina knowing she's probably freaking out. I brush some hair out of her face getting her attention. He green eyes dart to me filled with worried and fear. It just breaks my heart that I can see that.

"Hey Sabrina your going to be bunking with five of my best friends. I trust them with my life so you can trust them. I promise no one at this camp is going to make you feel more safe then them," I tell her. She eyes the cabin and looks back at me with doubt. But she nods her head.

I don't think she wanted to nod her head though. I get up and take her hand. We walk the last few feet and walk up to the cabin. I open the door and lean against the doorframe. Sabrina hides behind me but peaks her head around. I decide to let her see them before making ourselves known.

"Camila if you eat one more banana your going to turn into a banana," Dinah says walking over to her bunk seeing Camila eating a banana. I swear that kid is going to be the death of me and bananas. "The sky is awake so I'm awake," Lauren sighs quoting frozen.

Lauren may seem tough on the outside but inside she's a little puppy. But hurt one of the girls or anyone close to her and she goes all momma bear on you. "Beyoncé is life guys," Mani matter of factly says. "I got your back mani," Dinah yells from her bunk. My two Beyoncé girls.

"Guys they don't have a Waffle House," Ally says pacing back and forth. The whole group groans throwing a pillow at Ally. Ally and her Waffle House. Don't worry Ally I assure you that there will be waffles her for you. "You guys need the Bible," she huffs standing up and flipping her hair over her shoulder.

I look down to see Sabrina is now in front of me. She still has a death grip on me. I don't move not wanting to scare her. I watch her to see what she does. "Ba, ba, ba," Camila starts singing the minion national anthem. I look down at Sabrina to see her smiling at Camila. Than the whole cabin starts.

Sabrina looks up at me smiling. I stand up confused. She points to the cabin and than herself. "You ready to meet fifth harmony?" I ask her. She nods her head smiling even more than before. I knew these girls where the best match for Sabrina. I knock on the door getting the girls attention. "DEMI!" They shout.

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