Chapter 5- Lauren Don't Let Go

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Great this is just great. First my arms now this. He's going to chain me into the nurses office now. "Hey Sabrina what are you doing out here?" Nick ask
Sitting down next to me. I look at him confused. He's not mad at me for not being in the cafeteria with everyone else eating. I'm so confused.

"Wait your not mad?" I ask looking at him. He shakes his head and sits closer to me. "You promised me in the nurses office you didn't do that to yourself so I don't think your skipping dinner on purpose. But I would like to ask why you are?" He says giving me a puzzled look. Dang bro that was deep.

I shrug my shoulders pulling the grass out of its bed. I rip a piece out a little too hard and pull up a whole chunk of Earth. "Hey easy there we get lawnmower around cut the grass you don't have to do it manually," he says patting the grass back into the Earth. I look at him to see him looking at me.

"Before I came here....... I was not parents they......... well let's just say they were mad," I struggle to explain. Nick puts his hand on my arm and shakes his head. "Not now Sabrina. Just relax ok your going to be ok," he smiles helping me up. I nod my head and comb my fingers through my hair.

We walk back into the cafeteria to see everyone still eating. I see my table and start walking towards it. Nick follows behind me and puts his head on my shoulder. I sit down next to Lauren looking at my fingers not sure what to do. Are they mad at me? Did I annoy them? Do they want anything to do with me?

"Sorry I had to steal Sabrina for a second. But she's all yours now," Nick smiles patting my back. I smile up at him and take a quick glance up. Everyone is looking at me. I see Nick whisper something into Lauren's eyes and she gives me a fearful look. I quickly look down again not sure what to do.

"Ok guys campfire songs this way," Nick yells walking towards the campfire blazing outside. I decide to go last so I don't get trampled down by everyone. "Alright let's go sing some songs," Dinah smiles. I jump at her voice not knowing they were still here. I get up from the bench and walk out.

I look up again to see all the girls laughing and smiling. I stop in my tracks my heart taking a great pain. Shit no not now. I try to calm down but I can't. "Omg Dinah that was so funny," I hear Camila laugh. I clench my eyes shut trying not to hear it. But it's no use I've already hear it for too long.

I bolt the other way not knowing where I'm going. I don't really care where I'm going either. I just have to be as far as way as possible. Once I'm sure I'm far enough from the camp I fall to the ground crying. I hold my arms around my knee rocking back and forth. No, no please no.

Images of my parents come to my mind  as I put my nails to my head. The tools come to the surface as all the pain comes back to me. Like I'm in there again. "I'm safe Demi told me. Devan saved me from them. The girls love me. Nick says I'm safe," I mumble trying to reassure myself.

I see Sabrina bolt the other way in the corner of my eye. I race after her catching up to her more every time she trips on a root. She stops in the clearing and breaks down crying. Her nails go into her fingers trying to rip her hair out. I walk over to her and crouch down in front of her.

Nick told me that she's hurting. She needs someone more than ever just to be there with her. I plan on doing that. I carefully pry her hands away from her head before she goes through her skull. She wraps her hands around mind holding them tight. "It's ok bug I got you," I calmly say to her.

I sit on the ground and pull her onto my lap. She latches onto me and cries into my chest. I rock us back and forth just listening to the great outdoors. I rub my hand on Sabrina's back calming her down. Yep Mission Little Nugget is definitely going on. I look down at Sabrina and kiss her head.

She moves her head and looks up at the sky. I watch her as tears stream down her face. But her eyes are filled with tears stars of the night. "I wish I was there," she whispered falling back into my chest. I don't comment on it. I just hug her tighter and start rocking back and forth again.

After a while Sabrina's breathing is back to normal and she's cuddling into my chest. I think she's numb because she's showing no emotion once so ever. "Hey bug want to go back to the cabin?" I ask her nudging her shoulder. She hums in response not moving at all. She's still looking up at the stars.

I get up and hold her on my hip like a little kid. She snuggles into my neck and holds her arms around my neck. "Please don't let go Lauren. But you an if you want to," she mumbles in a low voice. I hug her tight as we go up the hill. "Never bug," I whisper to her.

I open the cabin door and place Sabrina into her bed. She moves all the way to the window and stares outside. Guess she likes the night time. I get in with her and pull her close to me. She wraps her arms around my hand and snuggles into me.

"Goodnight bug. I love you so much," I whisper to her. She mumbles something but I can't see it. I wonder why she ran off before? Why did Nick have to talk to her? What has happened to her to make her this way? "Lo can I ask you a question," Sabrina whispered looking up at me.

I look down at her and nod my head. "Why do people fear the different?" She asks looking up at me. Wow that was deep. The way she worded it was on a whole different level. "I don't know nugget probably because they're scared of what they now. They might think all our work will get destroyed," I explain.

"Why you ask nugget?" I look down at her. But she's already asleep. I look down at her a smile. I brush some hair out of the way and kiss her on top of the cheek. She snuggles into me trapping our legs together. "Love you my little nugget," I smile at her. I get comfy and drift to sleep as well.

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