Chapter one

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POV: Lucas
The next day at school was weird. I was trying to keep my mouth shut about Zay, but I knew that his death was gossip du jour.
There was a loud, commanding knock at the classroom door. I rushed to open it, and a police officer walked in.
"I need to speak to Riley Matthews, Maya Hart, Farkle Minkus, Isadora Smackle and Lucas Friar." The officer said. My teacher, Mr.Matthews, dismissed us and we waddled out of the room, terrified of the questions the police officer might pose next.
He took us to a room in the office and sat us down. Then came the interrogation.
"Alright who knows what happened to Mr. Zay Babineaux?" The officer demanded.
"We-we- all six of us were at a party, sir, and Maya, Zay and Lucas left early. That's all I know." Riley said.
"Alright. Lucas, were you with Zay when the shot was fired?" The officer asked me.
"No sir. He was a little drunk and wandered away from me and... Maya." I explained.
"Ok. Maya, why did you leave with Zay and Lucas?" The police officer asked.
"Zay was my boyfriend. When he left, I left, and Lucas followed." Maya said.
"You know it's sometimes the girlfriend who is responsible for killings like this one, right?" The officer pointed out.
"I wasn't with him when he was shot. Ihad gone to look for Lucas, because I didn't know where he was." Maya said.
"I see." The police officer said and dismissed us.
On the way back to our classroom, I noticed Smackle wiping tears from her eyes.
"Smackle are you okay?" I asked her.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she said, "give me a minute." The six of us walked into the class and took our seats.
"How was the meeting?" Mr.Matthews asked.
"It went well, Dad. None of us have been proven guilty," Riley said, eyeing Smackle, "yet."

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