Chapter 1 (SH*T chapter)

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Chapter 1: The Day That Changed My Life

Luna’s PoV:

I awoke hazily from my sleep to see my father, Mana, looking over me.

“Papa….?” I questioned groggily.

“It’s time to get up, darling. You have school today, remember?”

I nodded and he walked out the door in a hurry. I looked around my yellow painted room that had orange and red polka-dots. On the opposite wall from the door with a few pictures of my family, Allen, my mom, and Papa, my mother passed away when I was born. I sat up in bed and pushed the covers off of me. I grabbed my red jean jumper, a yellow turtle neck, jean shorts, and my white tights out of the dresser drawers. I threw off my nightgown and got dressed into the outfit I pulled out from my dresser. I pulled my jet black hair into two neat ponytails, held up by red ribbons, and grabbed my black messenger bag and hurried down the stairs.

Allen and Papa were already at the table eating omelets and toast, my plate was sitting on the counter. Allen is seven years old, two years older than me. He was dressed in a green turtle neck and jeans. I sat down at the table and gobbled down my food. Allen had double the amounts of food than Papa and I. He has this weird arm of his; it’s a maroon color with a green cross looking gem on the top of his hand. I took the empty plates and went to go wash them in the sink. After I finished, I stepped off my stool and headed to the door where Allen was waiting. He slipped on his mittens and I slipped on my black boots.

“Bye bye Papa!” I yelled as Allen and I headed down the street in the crisp autumn air.

Little did I know that my life would change forever…


Allen PoV:

I was having a nightmare. There were these weird metal contraptions shooting at me. I kept running and running and then I got shot. I woke up with a start to see Mana shaking me awake.

“MANA!?” I cried.

“Allen…we have to leave the house today. Pack your bag with things for the road trip. Don’t tell Luna about this.”


I got dressed quickly in a green turtleneck and jeans and ran down the stairs. Mana had cooked omelets and toast slathered with butter. Soon Luna came down the stairs all dressed as if it was a special day. I wonder if she knows about the road trip, I was going to ask her but decided to keep my mouth shut. While eating breakfast I had this eerie feeling that something horrible was going to happen.

After breakfast I ran to the door and waited for Luna to finish the dishes. I slid on my backpack that was full of clothes. She soon came over and I slipped on my mittens. We headed out the doors. A sweet smelling gust of air rushed in. I just love autumn!

“Goodbye Mana!” I called out to my foster dad.

-At school-

My eyes kept drifting to the window where I saw a strange man with red hair. I rubbed my eyes and looked outside again. He was gone. The teacher walked in and started roll call.






The teacher was cut off by loud gunshots. The school was evacuated. Mana picked me up and we dashed out of the town without Luna. Mana said that Luna was killed by an Akuma. I didn’t know what an Akuma was. But I didn’t believe that she died.

“Keep walking” Mana said.


Luna’s PoV:

One moment we are doing roll call the next moment one of classmates is changing into a metal monster. The windows were open and we were on the first floor. I leaped out and escaped before multiple rounds of gun shots were made. The whole school ran out of the building. I was being pushed with crowed. I saw a glimpse of Allen and Papa before I was free. My neighbor, Kana, let me in to her house once I told her what happened to Papa and Allen. She hugged me and I started to cry, one tear after the other until they flowed down my cheeks.

They never came back for me. Kana adopted me, we moved into my house where I put the rest of Allen and Papa’s items into boxes in case they came back.

                                                                                                  Of course, they didn’t…

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