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Chapter 4: Mr. Wilson an Akuma!?

General Cross left that night saying that he would return in the morning and help with some of the Akuma still in the town. I was to go to school like normal and take care of any lurking in the school.

“Mina, time to get up.” I shook her shoulder and she rolled over groggily. I started getting dressed while Mina woke. I tied my hair into a small ponytail and put on my pink lipstick and eyeliner while Mina started getting dressed. Her cheeks were tear stained.

“You should go wash your face you look like shit…” She stifled a sigh and walked to my bathroom. I had woken a half an hour early and decided to go downstairs. I turned off my alarm clock and hurried down to the basement and grabbed Allen’s boxes.  I ran towards the staircase and set them down gently. I then grabbed Papa’s only box and set it on Allen’s. I then gently heaved them up the two flights of stairs and into my room.

By the time I got up there Mina was up and working on her makeup. Her blonde and blue tipped hair was pulled back into a half up half down style held by a clip. Her now ruby red lips were in a frown and she was trying her best not to cry. I dropped the boxes on my bed and ran to my closet. I pulled out my black Witches cape and hat. I set the hat on her head and whispered “Happy Halloween.” She turned around and hugged me crying on my shoulder. I held her and she soon stopped.

“Do you really have to leave, Luna?”

“Yes…” I whispered back.

I walked downstairs making sure I didn’t wake Kana up. I then headed towards the kitchen and made us some pancakes. I set three to the side and stuck them on a plate in the microwave. I left a sticky note for Kana and made our lunches. I was already decked out in Bunny ears and a tail when Mina walked down in her witches outfit. She was holding my broom that I used when I was little and she looked a bit more cheerful. “You can keep that if you want.” I called over my shoulder.

“Yeah that would be nice.”

“All my stuff willl most likely be staying here, so if you ever want to come over and just sit in my room I won’t mind.” I pulled out the two lockets I held in my skirt pocket and held out the one with a fancy ‘M’ on it. I then put on my own which had a fancy ‘L’ on it. Mina stared at the golden locket decorated with topazs around the ‘M’ in my hand.

“I planned on giving you this for Christmas but I thought now would be a better time.” She gingerly picked up the locket on my hand and fiddled with the clasp. “Here let me help.“ I said while holding out my hand she passed over the locket and I opened it quickly to show the picture inside. It was a picture of us on the day we went to America. We were smiling in front of Lady Liberty. I was very fond of the picture and had it duplicated for the lockets.

She stared at me breath takingly, I closed the locket and went behind her. I brought it around her neck and clasped it.

“L-Luna, I-I don’t deserve this. It’s way too pretty and it looks way too expensive.”

“It really wasn’t. It was 2500 yen for both”

“Luna please, I can’t take this from you.”

“If you were my best friend you would.”

She gave me the pouty face and responded , ”Fine, only if you take this!” She held out her favorite hairpin her father gave her before joining the military in America. I looked at the bright yellow star with a leaf in the top right corner. “NO WAY MINA! That is YOUR prized possession!”

“Luna, if you were my best friend you would take it from my open hand.”

It was my turn for the pouty face ”FINE!”

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