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I never knew why Kana would take me in. I guess it was because she was the only woman who actually spoke to me and my family. She became a great family friend…. so, why not take in little Luna.

-6:30 A.M., Tuesday-

*Beep beep beep beep beep beep*

“Uuuuuuuugh” I murmured as I felt for my alarm clocks off switch. After I found it I sat up lazily and swung my feet over the side of my bed. I started to head for my dresser when I tripped over my Algebra textbook. “OW OW OW!” Kana swung my door open to see me sprawled out on the floor. She burst out laughing and held out her hand. “Need a little help?”

“Thanks.” I said as I grabbed her hand firmly.

“You must have had quite the studying night if you are still dressed in that.” I looked down at myself to see me still dressed in my school uniform. I turned as red as a tomato. “I guess I did.” I finally confirmed rubbing my nose.

As Kana started to head for the door I heard my friend, Mina, call for me.

“Luna! You’re gonna be late if you don’t hurry up!” I stuck my head out of the window and waved.

“I’ll be right there!”

“What are you doing in your winter uniform?” She asked skeptically.

“Oh I almost forgot!”

“Hurry up already!”

I closed the window and quickly changed into my spring uniform. Before I slipped on my top I saw an apple shaped mark under my collarbone. “What….?” I dismissed my thoughts and pulled on my top. I quickly tied on my bow and hurried down the stairs with my bag and books in hand.

“Don’t forget your lunch!” Kana called from the kitchen. I raced into the kitchen and grabbed the toast and bento Kana had prepared for me. “I’ll see you later!” I said pecking Kana on the cheek.

“Have a great day!” Kana called back as I opened the door.

- 7:20 A.M., 10 minutes before school-

“FINALLY!” Mina called.

“Sorry!” I apologized running up to join her.

“We aren’t going to make it!”

I looked down at my watch and gasped. “OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP!” I started running down the street. The clock tower started to ring. We were almost there! The gates of the school started to close. Mina and I started running, full power. We were both on the gymnastics team so we were used to high jumps. The gate closed and we jumped, we dashed into the school. We made it.

-8:00 A.M., the class room-

Luckily we made it to the classroom before the teacher did. He was running later than usual. The door finally swung open and in came Mr. Wilson. “Settle down!” He called. Everyone sat down in their chairs.

As class representative it was my duty to lead the class in the morning greeting. “All rise!” I shouted, “Bow!” We all bowed and in unison greeted Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson is from the Americas, and came to the school to teach the English language. My chest started to feel hot.

“You may all be seated.” Mr. Wilson replied. We sat down. My chest started to get really hot. The windows were open and there was a cool breeze blowing in. I started wondering why I was getting so hot.

-1:00 PM, Gym class-

The school opened the indoor pool today. We have a weird gym class teacher, mostly because she doesn’t care what type of bathing suit we wear, as long as we aren’t too revealing, it has to fit you properly. My bathing suit is an orange polka-dotted yellow bikini with red frilly stuff. Like usual we just hang out in the pool. In our school we all vote which game to play in the gym, and in the pool it shows that we get more exercise just by playing around with our friends. In elementary school we learn to swim and in middle and high school we get to do whatever we want. Sakura Academy is only for the most intelligent teenagers in Edogawa. So we get to slack off a bit in the extra classes.

Sorry about my little ramblings, I just don’t know when to stop.

I was changing into my bathing suit and then my chest started to feel really hot again. I looked down to see if I was red. The apple mark from earlier was shining brightly in a gold color. I looked around the room to see that there were only two girls left in the room me and Mrs. Takahashi, our gym teacher. Since I already tied up my bathing suit I started walking out the door. Right before I could a man with bright red hair came in. “WHAT THE HELL!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE GIRLS’ CHANGING ROOM!?” I screamed as I fell to the floor. I looked closely at his face. Covering the left side of his face was a silver mask.

“Luna Walker?” He questioned me.


“I am a friend of your brother, Allen Walker.” My eyes grew very wide as he said my adopted brother’s name. “A-Allen?” I choked as tears formed in my eyes.

*clap clap clap*

“Sorry to break this touching moment, but I think you have something I want.” My gym teacher said rudely pointing to me.

“What?” I questioned my teacher skeptically.

“Luna, I have a confession to make.” The strange man said butting in.


“Last night you were given a mark of innocence,” He said calmly pointing at my chest. “I need you to defeat this Akuma, using this.” He tossed over a white ribbon choker with a black star charm. “Go ahead put it on.” As scared as I was I believed him, I put on the necklace. I heard a click. My eyes widened to see a big metal monster floating where Mrs. Takahashi once stood. I had a weird sense of déjà vu. Unintentionally I was pulling on that star nervously when the star popped off of the ribbon. I opened my hand palm up and stared at it. The star then melted and wrapped around my hand creating a fingerless glove.

Dream Come True (D.Gray Man) (Complete\SH*T)Where stories live. Discover now