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After the meeting with the town we headed back to Kana’s house.


“Yes, Luna?” Cross replied.

“Will Allen remember me?”

“Maybe.” I look down at the ground. “Don’t worry if he doesn’t remember you just tell him who you are.”

“Let’s go then.”



After loading everything in the carriage we finally said our last goodbyes. 

“I’ll keep in touch I promise!”

“Of course.” Kana replied.

“I love you Kana!” I gave her a big hug.

“I love you too!  Now go see your brother.” I stepped back and looked into Kana’s teary eyes. My vision blurry I turned away and walked to the carriage and slipped in. After Mina’s good byes she slipped in next to me. Before we left Cross stepped down and walked towards Kana.

“Hm?” I questioned. Mina shrugged her shoulders “I don’t know...”

Cross’s PoV

This is probably the last time I get to see Kana for a while… I need to tell her how I feel…

I walk up to her and stare into her eyes. “Kana?”


“I promise to take care of them.”

“I know you will.”



“What do you think of me?”

“I think you are a brave man and very powerful, quite kind when you want to be and a coward when scared of something. Just like my late husband, Richard.” Her eyes beamed at me. At the moment by instinct I leaned forward and kissed her full on the lips. I released and she wrapped her arms around my neck. “I think I’m in love with you Kana.”

“I think I am too” She kissed back and released her hold on me. “Now take care of the girls and come back soon.”

“Of course, my lady.”

“Good bye” I stalked back to my carriage and headed for the order.


Luna’s Pov


“Luna.” Mina had put her hand on my shoulder and I calmed down almost instantly. “Let it go.” I nodded and paid my attention to what I was working with. 

Straight to the Black Order, go through the test, meet with Allen, and find my room so I can lie down and rest.

I snuggled my panda plush to my chest and waited for Cross. After what seemed like ages Cross finally climbed onto the carriage and took hold of the reins. I watched as he flicked the reins and the horses took off. My eyes started drooping and I drifted off to sleep.

Allen… Please remember me…


Luna’s Diary

After the overwhelming first day we are almost halfway to The Order. Cross and I haven’t talked to each other and Mina is always cooking. Last night Cross decided to get drunk. He was so drunk he couldn’t stand. And boy did that piss me off. After Mina persuaded him to drink some water he passed out. That left Mina and I to destroy two Akuma and drag his ass into the carriage so he could sleep. Our fighting has gotten better and we learned to use smaller attacks, which still have the same effect as the bigger ones, so we were not to pass out again. But the only reason for that was because of Cross and his hard labored teaching method. Well I am going to bed.

I finished writing in my diary and set it down curling up with a blanket and my panda. I fell asleep to the slight rocking of the carriage.

What seemed like a year was actually three days. Still asleep, Mina shook my shoulder and I jumped.

“We’re here!” she told me excitedly. I look out my window and see that Cross is stopping the carriage.

“Hey Cross!” I call.


“When do we get inside?”

“Be patient.” I lean back and wait.


Cross’s PoV

“KOMUI! Let me in already!” There was static coming from the speaker.

“Ok ok give me a second.” Komui called from inside. “Gatekeeper open the doors!”

The doors open and we entered the courtyard. I hate this place…


Luna’s PoV

A man with black hair and dressed in white robes stand in front of the double doors leading to the tower like building. Cross steps down from the carriage and walks over to the man. They start talking and Cross walks back over opening the door for us. I take his outstretched hand and he helps me down. “Thank you.” I mutter. I start walking towards the tower. “Luna.” The man in white bows to me. I bow back respectfully and wait next to the man for Mina. He bows to Mina and leads us in. 

“My name is Komui.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I mutter under my breath, but loud enough for him to hear.

“Now we have to examine your ant Akuma weapon and then we go down to Hevlaska.” I nod not really listening and he leads us into an examination room. “Now I have to ask you to show me your weapons.” I pull off my star and hold it palm up. It wraps around my hand creating the glove. Mina pulls hers off and she holds it palm up it wraps around her wrist and turns into a black hoop bracelet. “Interesting.” He jots down something on his clip board and we deactivate or weapons. He then leads us to an elevator and we speed down. In front of us is an angel like person. Mina’s eyes are wide like mine but hers show fear and mine show amazement.

“Wow…” I gasp.

“Hevlaska these are our two new accommodators.” One of her tentacle things wrap around me and a there’s a bright light.

“Seventy-five percent. A powerful Mage of Earth here to help a long lost friend and a big impact on the war.” She sets me down and picks Mina up. “Seventy-three percent. A Wind Angel, only the power of love gave her innocence to help her best friend.” She sets Mina down and she walks over to me.

“Thank you Hevlaska.” Kamui bows and the elevator goes upwards.


 He gives a quick tour of the building and as we head towards the cafeteria I bump into someone. I stumble backwards and a hand grips mine to keep steady. I look up to see who helped me. A boy with white hair stands before me his blue eyes looking into mine. His right eye bares a scar. He lets go of me and he bows apologetically. A man with blue-black hair comes up behind him and smacks him across the head and continues to walk onward. Komui walks back over to me and the white haired boy. “I see you have met Allen and Kanda.” I look at the boy with white hair again. “Allen…” He looks at me when I say his name. Tears make my vision blurry and Allen looks at me with wide eyes. I start bawling my eyes out. I pound my fists against his chest and start yelling at him. “WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!? WHY, ALLEN, WHY!? HOW COULD YOU SO THAT TO YOUR SISTER!? TEN YEARS ALLEN! TEN YEARS WITHOUT MY LOVING BROTHER AND FATHER!” I sob even louder and burry my face into his shoulder wrapping my arms around his neck. It’s then that he notices who I am. “Luna!?” Still sobbing into his shoulder I nod. He hugs me tightly. “I’m so sorry Luna…” I stand there crying into his shoulder. My tears stop and I pull back a bit so I can see his face. I start tracing the scar unconsciously. “What happened?”

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