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Dear diary,

As Sehun and I were strolling in the department store.
checking out the tiny clothes for babies. I saw the girl with black hoodie again. She is giving me a deadly glare .

I feel scared and I think that I gripped sehun's hand a little tight thats why he shot me a worried look.
I peeked at his shoulder to find no one, again and He asked me why I look so scared but I told him it was nothing and I think he's not convinced.

After paying the things we got, he pulled me to one of the fitting rooms and locked the door and he pushed me softly against the wall. Cornering me with both of his hands on the sides of my waist, and his chin resting on my shoulder.

"Baby... what's wrong?" He asked.
I dont want to tell him because I dont want him to worry but I think my actions like now, would make him worry even more.

I told him all. The places and the number of times I saw the girl following me and the threats sent to me by unknown.

He told me he was afraid. He was afraid that I might get hurt, he was afraid that he might lose me and our baby.

He told me that he will add more bodyguards from now on and will come home as early as he can after finishing all his works at his company.

I told him that he doesnt have to do that but he insisted because he said that he wants me and our baby to be safe. He said that all of his hardworks and money would be nothing if there is no luhan waiting and hugging him the moment he arrives home. His mansion would not be called home. Because I am his home


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