A Day To Relax

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Everyone in the scouts were tired, considering how hard Levi was making them clean the damn place.

"Does that pipskweek ever know when he is pushing someone too hard?" Mekasa said as she finished giving the horses hay.

"Mekasa! Don't say that!" Eren shouted at her.

"Captain Levi, is a great man who fights Titans like the rest of us. Hell, we even used to look at to him as children. Even now!"

Armon looked over at Eren "Eren, your the only one of us that wanted to join the scouts.....I just wanted to see what life was like beyond the walls."

Mekasa finished her work. "Come on. We don't want him throwing another hissy fit that Eren wasn't back for lunch."

At lunch time, everyone sat down at the picnic tables outside. "I have an announcement." Levi said in his usual monochromatic tone.

"No more work for anyone today.....Get some rest before we head out to Shiniganshina." (I hope I spelled that right.)

"Thank goodness........" Armon said streaching.

Eren looked over at Mekasa "I don't know what it is about captain Levi....But he reminds me of you...."

Mekasa stayed quiet thinking of Erens words. Until Hangi came over.

"Eren!! Come on you promised you would do it please please please please please please please!!!!!!" She begged him.

"It might no even work."

"I did before so what's stopping it now?"

Earlier on that day to get Hangi to stop bothering him Eren promised her that he would show her how he healed.

Eren grabbed a small knife and cut open his arm. Blood slowly spilled out.

"Why isn't it happening!!" She pouted like a child.

"I told you that it wou-" Eren cut himself off as steam rose from his arm and the small wound healed.

Hangi jumped around happily. "c'mon Eren we have tests to run."

Mekasa and Armon just sighed and ate the rest of their lunch.

For the rest of the day Eren was a guinnie pig to Hangi while everyone else got their rest.

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