Eren x Human Reader Wash House

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(May contain season 1 spoilers. This is not a lemon/smut)

It had been a week since you had bathed. Of course no one really cared weather you smelled bad or not, but your face really didn't like it and you were breaking out badly. So you went to the person that would probably let you use the wash house. Hanji.

"Hanji-san!" You sang out in a happy voice whilst opening the door to the crazy woman's room. 

"Yes (Y/N)?" Hanji asked spinning around in her chair. "Oh god....look at your face....your breaking out...." 

"That's what I came to ask you about. Can I use the washroom tonight?" 

Hanji grabbed a small book and placed a pencil on her chin.

"Yes. Mikasa signed up for today but no one else did.....I wonder why....?" Hanji asked no one in particular. 

"Have you seen Mikasa?" You said to Hangi crossing your arms. Everyone girl in the scout regimine envied her perfect body. And how she had such a 8 pack. 

"Good point." Hanji said. "So yes you can use the washroom tonight." The reason people had to sign up was because the washroom was divided by one wall. Making two rooms with curtains and a small hole where you could see the person next to you face. A little strange right? Well not to the people who use it all the time. And so the signing up thing was so that you didn't have to wash with someone you felt uncomfortable washing around. 


Eren had just got back from a long training exersie with Levi. His feet hurt and he was sweaty. 

"Ugh! I swear he makes me do extra!" Eren complained while taking off his shoes. 

"Do your feet hurt?" Mikasa said in that normal motherly voice. 

"Just a little." He admitted pretty quickly this time. 

"Here go ask Levi if you can use the washroom. I signed up but you can take my place." 

"Really? Thanks Mikasa." Eren said smiling a bit. It had been ages since he had used the washroom. And after walking up two flights of stairs he stopped at levis office and knocked on the door 

"What do you want?" He said sternly. 

"Is there anyone signed up for the washroom tonight? Mikasa said I can have her time." 

Levi sighed and walked down the hallway to Hanji. Where he grabbed the book and saw only Mikasas name because Hanji forgot to write yours down. 

"Yeah sure." He said to Eren before shooing him away.

It was about an hour afterwards when you went into the washroom. You brought a towel slippers and some Pjs which consisted of a long white button down shirt and cream coloured leggings. You got into the right stall and shut the curtain before getting undressed. The small hole in the wall was just big enough to let the two people who were bathing see each others heads and talk without the interference of the wall. The water just perfectly warmed up and you grabbed a face cloth and covered it in soap. 

A few minutes later you heard the door open. And thinking it was Mikasa you just continued to wash until you heard Erens voice. 

"Oi! Who's in here? You didn't sign up!" His strong voice bounced off the walls and it made you turn bright red. Always you had liked Eren a little bit. But Mikasa was always there. And it was always sisters before misters. 

"Eren why are you in here? Hanji-san said I could use it." 

"Mikasa gave me her turn from tonight. I hope you don't mind." He said plopping his stuff down and shutting the curtain to the stall next to you. 

"N-no.....I don't mind....just dont-" 

"Peek? Don't worry I'm not like Jean." 

"You mean horse face?" You both laughed a little bit at that as you heard one piece of his clothing come off at a time. 

You dipped the cloth back into the now cooling water. 

"Shit...." You whispered. 

"Having an issue?" You could hear him dip his face cloth in the water.

"Nah my water is getting cold." You said picking up the bucket and dumping it on yourself to since yourself off. Grabbing a towel to make you warm. 

"Oh that sucks." After the sound of the cloth going back into the bucket you saw a little bit of steam rise from the top of his stall. 

"You okay?" 

"Yeah just a splinter." You laughed a little bit. "What's so funny?"

"I was just thinking that Titan Shifters would make really nice heaters...." 

Eren snorted. "Well....I guess....So if its ever too cold out and you need a heater ill be here." 

You blushed a little bit and got the rest of your clothes on and headed inside. Going right up to your room and silently screaming in your pillow. 

(Heeeyyyyyy so did you like it? I hope you did! If you have any suggestions please be sure to leave them in the comments below. See ya later my weaboos! 

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