Chapter 9: Words Can Kill

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Authors note:

Hey guys! I'm back!! Hello there, how have you been? Okay okay I'm sorry. I know I said I'd update like a month ago, but here it is now! I've been really busy with school and I just wasn't feeling the whole writing thing. I had literally no inspiration to write up until a few weeks ago. The song, "Let Her Go" by Passenger really inspired me to write this chapter because it kinda fits the theme. Every time I wanted to write, but didn't know what to write, I listened to that song. Go check it out if you haven't heard it! It's amazing! I've been sick with a terrible cold for the past 3 days and I've written most of this during this time, writing has gotten me through laying in bed with nothing to do. So here is the chapter, I really hope you guys like it! I'll try to update again soon. I really want to keep writing this ASAP because I want to get all my ideas out there. I would say expect another update in about 2 weeks, for real this time! Thank you so much for reading this! It means a lot to me! Enjoy!

Stay Cloudy and have a Frantastic day!

~Stay Beautiful ~Claudia xD

Staring at the ceiling in the dark,

Same old empty feeling in your heart,

'Cause love comes slow and it goes so fast,

Well you see her when you fall asleep,

But never to touch and never to keep,

'Cause you loved her too much

And you dived too deep.

Jc's POV

I felt like an idiot right now. I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling, thinking about what I had done. Why did I act the way I acted? That's a question even I don't know the answer to. Well I know what half the answer is: I'm madly in love with her, but the other half remains a mystery to me. I should be happy for her; I should accept the fact that she'll never see me in the same way I see her. She'll never know I think it's cute when she's scared; or that I love how her chocolate brown eyes light up when she's excited about something. She'll never know that every flaw and insecurity she has is beautiful in my eyes and that I love every inch of her. It pains me that some other guy was making her happy now. She probably hates my guts right now, I don't blame her, I hate my guts too. It hurts to think that I caused her pain. I could hear it in her voice when she said her final words before walking out of my room earlier. She sounded more and more hurt with each word that left her lips; but that didn't stop me from acting like a jerk.

I shook my head as I processed the days events and I realized that Ali didn't have a ride home. As soon as this registered in my mind I shot up in my bed and grabbed my phone from my bedside table. I knew she wouldn't want to talk to me right now, so I decided to call her home phone, she never answered that one.

"Hello," a high-pitched voice echoed. "Hey Sarah. Is your sister home?" I asked her, as guilt began to wash over me for leaving her without a ride. "Yeah she's upstairs in her room, why?" Sarah asked quizzically. "I just wanted to make sure she got home safely," I said, realived that she had. "Um okay? Well then bye Jc," Sarah said, hanging up the phone.

I placed my phone back on the table once the call ended and layed back down. It was 10pm and I would usually be up talking to Alison right now, but since I couldn't do that, I tried to fall asleep.

"Jc wake up!" "JC!" was all I heard as I groggily moved around in bed. I opened my eyes slightly and looked up to find a pair of matching hazel eyes looking at me. "What do you want Jaylyn? It's 7am!" I groaned. "Alison told me, to tell you, to bring her her makeup tomorrow at school," she smirked at me. "So that's why you had to wake me up this early? To tell me that?!" The nerve of this child. "Yeah, plus I was bored so wake up! I wanna go out!" she smiled, jumping up and down on my bed. "Go away," I whined, pulling my blanket over me to make all the blinding light disappear. "Ugh fine grumpy pants!" she finally said. She got down from my bed and walked out of my room. I tired going back to sleep in vain; once I was awake, I was awake for good.

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