Chapter 1

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I remember that day, clear as day. The day when, Mrs.Reed, our mean ELA teacher, had a substutite. That's when I made a new friend.


Mrs.Reed left that day, to attend a meeting. So  Mrs.Chester, a math teacher filled in.

"Guys, since this is my first time subing your class. Just do the stuff on the board, at your pace. And when your done, you can grabe a laptop and get some free time."

It didn't take me long to do the work. The do now, a piece of cake; comma practice; eh took me 5 min; and then the reading comprehension; another 5 mins.

So I grabbed a laptop and sat down. Then as I opened the laptop up and signed in, I see Robert, a boy that sits next to me, opening up his screen to cupcake 2048, and I know I shouldn't have. But I did.

"Why aren't you doing your reading plus?"

"Eh, I'll do it later. I only have one see reader left anyways."

"Oh nevermind."

Then I open up google chrome and open up a new google document, seeing what Robert was doing.

Seeing my screen open to docs, he exclaimed," Let's have a story writing contest."

"Laptops away. Evrybody clean up and pack up," Mrs.Chester yelled.

"Okay then, on Monday, we'll judge eachother's stories."

"Yeah, your on! Just to warn you, I was quite the writer last year. I wrote one of the goofiest stories ever, The Florida Hotel."

"Well, we'll see then."

Then we went on, while packing up our things, knowing the bell was going to ring any second.

*Bell rings*

"Adios, Amigos!" Mrs.Chester waved.

Robert and I had the huge conversation and ended at the cafeteria.

"Well, bye then."

"Bye," I reply.

I ran up the stairs, excited that I made a new friend.

I walked into my homeroom, Mr.Lance's, where my Laurel, my friend awaits me.

"I saw you flirting with Robert today. Sara, I didn't know you could flirt," Laurel exclaims, while dancing around.

"I don't flirt. We were just talking, no big deal."

"Sure. I bet Robert will say otherwise."

"Laurel, I'm getting this weird feeling," I say while blushing.

"I know what that feeling is.."

"Love," I sigh in disgust.

"Love isn't a bad thing."

"Yes it is, it'll mess with my brain. Not to metion, ruin my recent friendship."

"It won't trust me!"

"Fine. I'll admit it. I have a crush on Robert Allen."

"Finally, things make sense!"


*Back in Robert's homeroom...* *Robert's POV*

"I don't like Sara, Will!"

"Sure. You were flirtering with her, I saw you."

"Oh now, it's considered flirting if you talk to a girl," I sarcastically say.

"Fine, but sooner or later, you're gonna admit it."

"Will.. I can't like Sara."


"Because I like someone else."


"Rita Norman."

"Her? She's in 6th grade, Bro."

"I know. But I see her often at parties, and she's so pretty!"

"Well. I don't ship it! So don't come back to me for support."

"Well, one thing's for sure, I can't like both of them at the same time."

"Yeah, true."

"That's why I'll make it easier."


"I'm gonna go to her homeroom, and give her a note, that 'you wrote'.

"Will, no!"

Too late, Will heads out the door, with the hall pass and the note.

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