Chapter 8

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"Will, what should I do?"

"Remember what Mrs. Snow said?"

"Listen to your heart," Will and I said in unison.

"But my heart is pointing to both of them."

"Bro, there's is one girl that you like the most of those two, and I think I know who," Will smirked.

"Your right, Will. I do like Sara."

"Then go tell her, That's Love 101."

"Yeah, I'm so stupid. When should I tell her?"

"Lunch or science. Your pick."

"Maybe during lunch."

"Ok, Dude."

*Sara's POV*

"Laurel, I saw..."

"Seriously? I don't want to say this is fate. But I can't help it, it's fate."

"Laurel! Actually, that makes a lot more sense."

"Yes! You finally admit this is fate! When are you telling Ava?"

"Lunch, maybe. Or, I'll text her now."

I text her.

Me: U r right

Ava: Ab what?

Me: Fate

Ava: Yes. U finlly admit it ;p


"Yes, Sara."

"Your gonna think I'm weird."

"No I won't."

"I want to have a food fight during lunch, boys vs. girls."

"Yessssssssss. We should, who cares if we get in trouble, we can finally prove girls are much better than boys."

"Yessss, and rub it in their faces."


"Diana, Ava, I saw Subway the other night."

"Let me guess, did Robert's other friend, Rita, join you?"

"You guessed it, Diana," I roll my eyes. "I also wanted to tell you guys that...I want to start a food fight at lunch."

"Why? So girls can prove that they're way better than boys."

"Yes, and we can throw the trashy cafeteria food at the boys."


"When are you going to start the fight?" Ava asks.

"She'll start, when Robert gets here," Diana joked. "And there he is," Diana exclaims, while Robert walks in.

"Go get some cafeteria food, Sara, we'll join you later."

I go up to the lunch line and grab some cardboard pizzas, plastic mac'n cheese, trashy muffin, and the ruined chocolate milk.

I take the pizza, Mac'n cheese, muffin and the milk, and handed it to Diana, Ava, Emma, and Jenny. Jenny took the Mac'n cheese, Diana took the muffin, Emma took the pizza, and I took the milk.

I opened the milk up and approached Robert with a smile, I opened the milk from behind my back and....

"Surprise, Robert!" I threw it at him, leaving him soaked with icy chocolate milk.

"Oh you're on," Robert challenged.

"Ooh, Robert vs. Sara," Diana chuckled.

"What're you doing standing around? Go get some cafeteria foo and attack them.!"

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