Chapter One - Rose Creek

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Magnificent Seven.


The new world rolled past the train as Elizabeth Cullen watched from her window. She had been on the train for several days already and had many more to go. Matthew Cullen, Elizabeth's brother had written about the rich lands, and goodness of the townspeople, and had begged her to make the trip to join him and his wife Emma. Elizabeth had been living alone for two weeks following the death of her parents, and the bank was planning to come in and seize all their property in the coming week. Elizabeth's father had been into gambling and owed many people money. At twenty-four years old, she was beginning to grow old. Many of her friends had already found husbands and had begun having children.

Elizabeth was not unattractive, quite the opposite. With luscious deep brown curls cascading around her green eyes she had the beauty of an angel. The real unattractive side lie underneath, and that's why Matthew wished for her to join him out west in the town of Rose Creek. Matthew always called Elizabeth, the stallion for her fierce spirit and determination. Due to these traits and the fact Elizabeth could read, write, and think for herself she was considered too good for the men of Boston and remained unwed.

She took a deep breath and watched the dessert land continue to roll on. What would await her in Rose Creek...only time could tell.

Chapter One

Elizabeth had only been in the town of Rose Creek for a week when the ugliness in the town began to turn her head. Not only was the town small but it was overrun by an awful mining owner who had looming eyes that made the skin on her neck crawl. Bogue was his name, and he was pure evil. The town of Rose Creek had once been a peaceful town but with Bogue and his greed for land and gold the town became a cesspool of hired guns, death, and daily threats.

It had gotten to be so bad the townspeople decided to have a meeting in the center of town, the church. Elizabeth sat in the very back row with her brother, and his wife Emma. People took their turn's one at time standing up offering solutions for the Bogue epidemic. There were two sides present, one to leave Rose Creek and the other to stay and take up arms. The arguing was beginning to make her head spin, when suddenly Matthew joined in.

"We can't leave our homes, this is our land. We need to stand up to Bogue and..." The door flung open, and five men with large guns entered the church with their leader walking in last, it was Bogue.

Emma and Elizabeth both reached for Matthew and pulled him back into the seat between them. Bogue took his time looking at the townspeople his eyes landing on Elizabeth and licking his lips in a "provocative" manner. Elizabeth looked away disgusted.

"I understand you people are unsatisfied by the way I am running my town. I hate that you feel that way, and in return I am willing to pay twenty dollars for each pile of dirt you call home."

The people in the room murmured in outrage, their land was worth three times that amount. Bogue was unpleased with the reactions and ordered his men to shoot in the church. In the confusion everyone began to rush out and Bogue ordered his men to burn down the church. Two men who were outside lit torches and walked back into the church to burn it down. Preacher began screaming at them about God's house and in return they beat him, over and over again. Emma and Elizabeth held onto Matthew who was fighting against them to go help the Preacher. When he broke free, Matthew rushed to the man's side and began shouting at Bogue who was walking away. Bogue stopped and turned around, slowly walking towards Matthew, then he lifted his jacket away, grabbed his gun and shot Matthew dead in the street.

Emma rushed to his side, and began screaming his name. Elizabeth was frozen in time, her brother, the only family she had left was gone. Bogue turned to face Elizabeth and spoke,

"It seems like your brother is dead, I guess you need someone to look after you..."Bogue began licking his lips again, "take her to my place" he gestures to his men. The two armed men begun moving towards Elizabeth. At that moment she snapped back into reality and rushed forward grabbing the gun from her brother's holster Elizabeth shot the two men who were ordered to take her. From the sound, Bogue turned to observe the scene. Elizabeth was not going to be taken alive if she could help it. More men surrounded her and the sheriff came forward and placed her in chains.

"COWARD!" Elizabeth shouts at him. "You just let him murder everyone, and you go home and take the money, what kind of sheriff are you?!" It took four men to hold her down, but Elizabeth still kept fighting. Suddenly Bogue grabbed her face roughly. "You will be mine Elizabeth if I have to take you and make you my whore I will. But remember this, you will be mine." Bogue kissed her roughly on the mouth and then slapped her to the ground. The men grabbed her kicking and screaming and took her way. Emma looked on in horror, this could not continue she needed help, and she needed it soon. 

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