Chapter Eleven

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Disclaimer: I do not own Magnificent Seven.

Chapter 11- Rose Creek

Elizabeth could not stand the idea of being left behind but at the thought of Joshua being hurt for her pride she could stay put. The women hid near an abandoned mine shaft waiting for Emma to return and collect them once the men took care of business.

"I am so bored." Akira sighed to them.

"Ok, then let's talk about something. What is going on with you and Red Harvest Akira?" Autumn asks the girl.

Akira blushes, "I don't know what you're talking about. I just ride with him on his horse." She says avoiding the question, "What is going on with you and Vasquez?" she shoots back.

Autumn looks away and smiles thinking of Tony.

"And," Akira continues, "You and Joshua, Elizabeth? What is the story there?"
The girls giggle at the thought of their men. Wait...Elizabeth thinks to herself her man? Is that what she and Joshua are? Are they together?

The girls are so busy giggling and talking they don't notice the six men gathering at the mouth of the mine. Until one of them speaks.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here boys? A couple of whores lost from the whore house. Oh wait," he stops looking at Elizabeth, "I know this one, she is Bogue's woman that run off. Oh shoot boys we are going to get a big reward for this one."

The women begin to scream but are quickly silenced by a gag placed in their mouths. The men tie them up with rope and begin to escort them back to Rose Creek. Elizabeth went with them calmly and tried to come up with a plan. This was not the plan Sam had envisioned, and Joshua could die because of her. Elizabeth began struggling against the two men holding her, one of the men punched her hard in the jaw and knocked her out. Autumn and Akira looked at each other worry marring their faces at their friend who was now being dragged into town by her arms.

When the women entered the town they were surprised to find it empty except for five men and the sheriff in the middle of the road all of them glaring down one man, Sam Chisolm.

When they were brought closer Autumn looks up to see the worry in Sam's eyes, he quickly masks it up by arrogance.

"What, did your little whores run away?" Sam taunts the men.

"Hey boss! Look what we found hiding in the old mine," he says grabbing Autumn by the hair and pulling her towards the man. "I even found Bogue's woman. So can I get that reward now?" the man asks McCann Bogue's lead enforcer.

McCann walks over to the women and tells the men to drop them to the ground. Autumn sees from the corner of her eye the saloon door swing open and Joshua walk out cocky as ever not noticing the scene. But that look changes when he sees a tied up and unconscious Elizabeth bleeding in the dirt. Josh whips his head around to look at Sam. Sam slowly raises his hand out of view, a gesture for Josh to calm down and remember the plan.

"Well, well, well, little Autumn has returned, missed my big dick didn't you?" McCann asks her slapping her across the face. Autumn feels the bile rise up in her throat. Turning her head away from him she can see Tony fuming in the corner. She keeps her eyes on him, trying to reassure him she's alright when she is grabbed roughly by the hair and pulled to McCann's face.

"I promise I won't disappoint it's been too long. I think I'll give you a taste of what you've been missing," He tells her shoving his tongue in her mouth. Autumn bites down hard on his tongue to draw blood and McCann shouts slapping her to the ground, and kicking her in the stomach.

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