Chapter Fifteen

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Magnificent Seven.

Chapter 15 - The Promise

The next morning the team gathers downstairs in the saloon for some breakfast. No one speaks. Goodnight has run off in the middle of the night, and they are down one man. Emma has decided to take his place and joins the group.

The three women and their husbands sit in silence. Thinking about the upcoming battle and sending up prayers that they live through it.

Joshua sighs deeply, looking at his wife, "Elizabeth," he starts, the rest of the group looking at them, "I want you down in the cellar with the women and children" he tells her.

"No! No! No! I am not going to let you fight this madman without me!" she yells at him.

"Goddammit Elizabeth I need to know you are safe! If you're out there I am going to be thinking about you the whole time, and I need to be focused!"

"I agree," Vasquez tells Autumn.

"I do as well," Red tells Akira.

The women look at each other shocked.

"What are you saying," Autumn asks him, "We are some of the best shots you have, you need us in this fight!" she says standing up.

"No!" Tony shouts at her, rising to his feet, above her, "I need you alive!"

Autumn slowly sinks back in her chair contemplating his words.

"Alright," Elizabeth says slowly, "We will go down and help the women and children."

Akira and Autumn nod slowly looking down. Elizabeth stands, followed by the other women and leave the saloon. The women clearly pissed off.

"Goddammit," Josh tells the other men, who nod in agreement, "we may die today, I can't die knowing she is pissed at me." Joshua stands running out the door after his wife. The other two men groan and follow .

"Elizabeth!" Joshua yells keeping up with her fast pace. The other two close on his heels.

"Elizabeth! Goddammit, will you stop?" he begs her.

Elizabeth stops and swings around, "What?!" she asks him, "I know it's reckless of us, and we are only weak women we would be no help!" she says yelling at him.

The other two women stand behind her glaring at their husbands.

"Honey, I love you," he sighs loudly, "I would never forgive myself if something happened to you" he tells her wrapping his arms around her body.

"So what," she asks breaking free of his hold, "I am supposed to just sit underground and wait for you to die!?"

"No!" he replies looking at her desperately, "you are supposed to be safe till I can come get you. Lizzy..." he begs.

Elizabeth's shoulders fall in defeat and she knows she has lost this battle.

"Lizzy...I know you love me, you all love us," he motions to the other girls, "but we need you safe or none of us will be, please you have to understand that."

The girls look to Elizabeth for leadership, and she falls into Joshua's arms.

"I love you Joshua, and if you die I will find a witch doctor to bring you back to life so I can kill you myself! Do you understand me?" she yells at him.

"Yes honey." He tells her wrapping her small frame into his arms.

The other women follow suit and fold their husbands in their arms. Knowing this could be the last time they hug them back.

"Women and children," Sam calls, "It's time to go."

The girls break away from their men and with one final kiss, they follow Sam into the shelter of the general store and away from the love of their lives. 

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