Chapter 10

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Spotted's pov

I giggled as Tumblekit ran around the nursery, the small kit eventually ran to my side. "Mommy look what i can do!" she ran off then jumped high in the air, twisting around hid air and landed, facing me. "Thats beautiful Tumblekit, go show Gingertail" she squeals in delight and runs off. I smile and follow her out of the nursery to see her and Gingertail playing, i smile happily before seeing Slaightstar signal me over, i ran over to her. "We think we got a lead, their's one more cat in this whole prophecy thing" i nod. "And it's not a clan cat" i froze. "Then how will we find them?!" i began to wonder. "I'm not sure. Have you talked to Raintail?" i shake my head. "He needs to know that he's Rainpelt!" she meowed at me, "please!" i shook my head. "I can't tell him! I barley know the tom!" i meow, Tumblekit ran over, rolling into my paws, i chuckle and nudge her to her small paws with my nose, she smiles and runs off again. "I can't because..." Slaightstar stopped, i nudged her to continue. "I loved Rainpelt, and learning he came back as my some makes this all weird" tears in her eyes threatened to spill. "I'm sure you'll be fine, now you have a closer relationship, your his mother and he's your son" i meow, licking her ear. "I know, but learning Raintail has the spirit of my love inside him hurts me, what if the Raintail i grew to know was Rainpelt the whole time, what if Raintail is completely different?". "Raintail will always be your son and love you" she nods and trots off. As she leaves i catch Stormgaze and Foxfall talking, his eyes were soft on her, i felt anger go though me as he sees me and his eyes harden and darken. I was about to go over when the scent of foxes took over my nose, i let out a yowl and everyone turned as foxes began to invade the whole camp, i gasped, fear gripping my body as one dropped the body of Petalface, they began to tear the cream she-cat's body apart, i watched as warriors tackled the foxes and Gingertail ran to help Petalface who was lying on her side. I ran to Tumblekit and picked her up, carrying her to the nursery where Shrewblaze laid, curled around Darkkit and Branchkit, Raintail swiped at foxes, trying to keep them away from the kits. I let out a growl as foxes neared me, i swiped at their noses and jaws, i set Tumblekit with Gingertail who soon entered and began to fight, a fox bit into my shoulder and i twisted, grabbing it and tossing it into the wall. I knew i had to fight because if i die the prophecy will be ruined. The foxes seemed to lose interest in Raintail and they turned to me, one at a time they attacked me, once i pulled one off, another pounced at me, i felt one on my back, when i couldn't get it off another attacked at my face. Its claws raked over my face and i let out a screech of pain, shaking them off i dragged my paw over my eye then looked at it, blood. I tackled another fox, fire running though me as i bit into its skill, killing it, another screeched and charged at me, i got onto my back and stretched my paws out so when it landed we rolled. When we stopped i was on top and quickly killed it, i looked up to see Gingertail fighting three foxes and Shrewblaze curled around the kits, one paw stretch out, swiping at a fox, i quickly ran over and killed the fox she was attacking. She nodded and thankful nod and i turned to see the small rest of the foxes scattering, i faced forward to be met with Shrewblaze, Branchkit, and Darkkit's matching bright green eyes and Tumblekit's cloudy blue-green ones. Tumblekit ran to me and rubbed against my paws, i crouch low and lick her head as she cried into my fur, Gingertail came over and curled up with us. Smokeheart and Archnose ran in and smiled when seeing the kits where safe, I purr as Archnose rubbed against me, purring kindly, he smiled at me one last time before leaving with Smokeheart. Stormgaze walked in and carried the dead foxes out with the help of some other warriors, soon we got rid of all the dead bodies and everyone was visiting Fernlight, Marshpatch walked over to me, his green eyes full of grief  , i looked at him confused before he pointed his tail to the dead body of Dapplepelt. "She was my mate" he meowed in a low, sad voice. Even though im older then him, i felt younger compered to his wise sayings, i lick his ear and he purrs, i turn when seeing Fernlight yelling at cats to back away. After a while the commotion seemed to calm down, i froze when hearing her speak. "We lost him" i looked to see Gingertail, he is curled around Tumblekit and a big gash laid on his neck. His eyes are slightly open, letting us see his dead, cold yellow eyes staring into the darkness, Tumblekit laid still beside him and i let out a thankful breath when she looked up, confusion all over her eyes. But fear gripped me when i saw claw marks over her eyes, one of her eyes was bleeding terribly, rolled up in a dead like way, while the other was completely clouded blue and tears of blood ran down her cheeks. She let out a pained screech and Fernlight was quick to help her, i follow them into the den as Fernlight lays Tumblekit in a nest and places pollution over the scratched. The small she-kit let out a pained screech and flailed around, trying to get out of Fernlight's hold and get the herbs off her eyes. "Stop moving kit, this will help you" but Tumblekit ignored Fernlight, only trying to get rid of the pain. I quickly ran to Tumblekit's side and licked her ear soothingly, letting out calm words of encouragement as she began to calm down at my voice. "Can't see anything" Tumblekit meowed, tears running down her cheeks. "A fox scratched your eyes, of course you can't see" Fernlight mumbled as she walked off. "Starclan will provide, you will become the best warrior ever" i meow to Tumblekit as i carry her back to the nursery. It felt empty without Gingertail coming in and out to visit, i watched the fern entrance move and was surprised to see Marshpatch come in, he smiled kindly to me and crouched to Tumblekit's level. "Hey Tumblekit" the kit let out a surprised and scared meow but calmed when scenting Marshpatch. "Don't scare me like that!" she meowed, smiling. How can a kit be so happy after finding out she's blind? I frown when seeing Slaightstar come it. "We're going back to the original clans, this place is killing us and only will continue to kill if we don't start moving" she meowed. "So we're taking the journey again?" Tigerleap asks, walking in. "Yes" i sigh and pick up Tumblekit who went limp in my hold. We took this journey when i was a kit, you watched over me, now i'll take this journey again, but this time i'll have a kit of my own to watch after, Splashleaf..

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