Chapter 15

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(Puddlekit ^)

Echo's pov

I watched as everyone settled down and set out hunting patrols so we could feast under the stars of Silverpelt, i sat alone until a Light brown she-cat with a white muzzle and yellow eyes padded over and sat next to me. "Hi! Im Blizzardsun" she meowed. "I'm Echocall" i meow, she smiles. "Nice to meet you, see that light brown-gold tom with yellow eyes, his name's Chestnutcloud, he thinks you cute" i roll my eyes, watching the tom talk with Acornsky and Wolfspirit. "Yea, sure" i meow, she chuckles. "Really, have a mate before?" i shake my head. "Well then, give him a chance". "Maybe". "Want to go hunting with me?" i nod and follow her, but stopped at Berrystar's voice. "Let all cats gather around for a clan meeting" Blizzardsun shrugged and followed me to the group of cats. "All cats who are known as deputies shall go back to being warriors, as for the leaders. Jaystar shall be going back to Jayshard, Slaightstar to Slaightfur, and Arrow shall be known as Arrowfeather, Smoke to Smokepatch, and Shine to Shineclaw" everyone nodded and the leaders with their deputies backed off and let Berrystar do his thing. "As for the medicine cats, Minttail is going to drop her position and choose one of the clan cats to take her place while the other medicine cats decide if they want to become elders with Minttail or try to become warriors" Minttail nodded as she spoke. "I choose Doveheart to take my place and continue Brackenpaw's training" Minttail meowed, Doveheart and Brackenpaw dipped their heads. "Mudwhisker, Hazeleyes, Minttail and I would like to become elders and live out lives in peace" Fernlight meowed, her eyes on Tumblekit, she seems so intrigued with the young kit. "Very well, and last but not least, Puddlekit, Daisykit, Rockkit, and Firekit, step forward" Ivyfall and Nutpebble nudged their kits forward, both their blue eyes gleaming with pride. "Firekit, you have reached the age of six moons and are ready to be apprenticed, from now on you shall be known as Firepaw, your mentor shall be Cedarfang" the small she-kit ran over to the tom and they touched noses. " Rockkit, you have reached the age of six moons and are ready to be apprenticed, from now on you shall be known as Rockpaw, your mentor shall be Leopardfang" the two touched noded, Leopardfang's eye shinning. "Daisykit, you have reached the age of six moons and are ready to be apprenticed, from now on you shall be known as Daisypaw, your mentor shall be Flametwig" the two touched noses, Daisypaw's tail swaying behind her, showing she was uncertain about the choice. "Finally,  Puddlekit, you have reached the age of six moons and are ready to be apprenticed, from now on you shall be known as Puddlepaw, your mentor shall be Echocall" i smiled as the small she-cat ran over and we touched noses, her blue eyes shinning up at me. "I'll try my hardest" she meowed, her voice soft. Berrystar jumped down as everyone cleared from the rock, i smile at Blizzardsun, Puddlepaw standing shyly beside me. "The gathering is tonight! You should totally come!" I turn to see a orange tabby with red spots and blue eyes. "I'm Lavafoot" he meows, i smile, he is kind. "I don't know, i mean, Puddlepaw just became an apprentice and im not sure if she'll like it" i meow, watching the apprentice stare at the taller warriors. "I don't mind" she meows in a small voice. "Alright, if Berrystar says it's o-". "He already said it's fine" Lavafoot purred, i smile. "Alright". "Yes!" Blizzardsun purrs. "Now i can show those mangy Thunderclan cats i do have friends". We all chuckle at her and she rolls her eyes playfully, Puddlepaw looks at her littermates with sad eyes as they all played happily without her. "You can head over" i meow but she shakes her head. "I want to stay with you" i smile, feeling touched that the small she-kit liked me. They all talked and bonded until the moon started to rise and Berrystar led his group of cats out of camp, Daisypaw and Rockpaw looked annoyed as Firepaw and Puddlepaw followed the group of cats, annoyed they weren't going to the gathering. "I bet Windclan will freak out when seeing us have so many cats" Blizzardsun meowed, i shrug. "Watch your step" i look at the forest, slightly torn up and air thick with a vile smelling substance. I wasn't listening and fell into a hole with a loud yelp, i shake my fur and look up to see the hole was deep, inside was where the smell was coming from, stronger now that i was inside. I turned to see dead bodies of prey and animals, all decayed and covered in ants, i gag as a vine comes down, i quickly climb up, turning to face Lavafoot. "I warned you, the Twolegs made a bunch of holes and dumped trash and dead animals into them, hoping the smell would scare off the animals so they wouldn't hurt us as they build in the forest" he meowed. "Well their mouse-brained" i growl. "But it somewhat worked, some warriors got sick when they fell into the holes and died, some parasite in the dead bodies killed them, luckily it doesn't spread, only ones who fall in holes can get it" he meowed, tail resting on my shoulder for support, i turn to see Puddlepaw with her paw over her nose. "I feel like vomiting" she meowed, making us chuckle. "You haven't even gotten into Thunderclan territory, theirs has a lot of holes and half the territory is getting built on at this moment" Blizzardsun meows as i jump onto a tree to cross over to Fourtrees, Puddlepaw close behind me. When we got to the other side i kept my apprentice close as we walked into the bushes

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