A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

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Hey, Ria. If you're watching this, you probably already know why, but you need to hear it out loud: I'm dead. Maybe there's a kinder way to say it, but you always preferred things straightforward, so this is me being straightforward. I'm dead.

Whatever happened, I want you to know that I don't blame the Alliance. I died fighting the Empire. I died for what I believed in. Don't turn your back on the Alliance; they're doing the right thing. You might not think so right now because you're upset and looking for someone to blame, but deep inside you know they're right. The Empire must be defeated. I believed that, and now you need to keep believing it.

Tell Mama and Papa and everyone else whatever you know about what happened to me. If you don't know anything or if the truth is too much for them to handle, make up whatever story will make it easiest for them. Tell them it was quick. Tell them I took a blaster bolt to the chest or that the ship I was on got shot down and that everyone onboard died instantly. Just make sure they know that I wasn't afraid of dying. I'm part of the Force now with Grandmama and Grandpapa and Uncle Corran and all the others we've lost.

Tell Mama, Papa, and the boys I love them. If Cassian's around, tell him that I was grateful to have him as a friend. Thank Mon Mothma for everything she taught us. Tell everyone that I'm not just a memory; I'm still there, you just can't see me.

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