May the Force be with you

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Moria, you are the greatest sister, the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for. So know that when I say this, I'm saying it with all the love in my heart: stop fighting yourself. Stop fighting what you feel in your heart. I know you're afraid that if you let someone in and something happens to them, you'll get hurt. And you will. It will hurt so, so much. It will hurt just as much as it's hurting right now. But living a life without friendship and love isn't a life at all. Make friends—real friends that you care about and who care about you. Fall in love with someone who looks at you the way Papa looks at Mama. Get married. Have a family. Have a daughter and name her Kirra for me; you know how much I like that name.

I love you, sister, more than anything. I know we're not Jedi and can't feel the Force, but if you ever feel alone, just close your eyes and listen to the wind. That's me, right by your side, just like I've always been and just like I always will be.

May the Force be with you.

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