Going Home

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A few days after Quinn gave birth, Finn and Quinn brought the baby home. They had a nursery set up in the basement of Finns house. Quinn had moved in with Finn a while back because her parents kicked her out. There was a wall built that divides the baby's room from the laundry area. Finn had painted it himself. When they got home they put the carrier down on the dining room table. Quinn reached down no picked her baby girl up.

"Hi." She smiled. Finn pulled out his phone and took a picture of Quinn and Beth. "Here, take her." Quinn smiled as she handed the baby over to Finn. "Go sit in your fathers chair." She instructed. Finn sat down with his baby girl in his arms and Quinn took a picture of them.

  "We did it." Finn said.

  "We did." Quinn smiled. This was the beginning of their little life.

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