Chapter 3

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Peeta's P.O.V.

"Daddy!" Willow says as she comes running towards me. 

"Hi, Willow," I say as I pick her up. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yep," Willow says. "Mommy isn't sick either."

I chuckle. "Good." She's been so worried about making Katniss sick and I know it's sort of my fault, even though Willow doesn't really understand why I was making sure Katniss didn't become ill too. 

"Daddy," Willow says, suddenly pouting. "Mommy's sad."

"What's Mommy sad about?"

"I not know," Willow says as she shrugs. "Her was talkin' on the phone and her started crying."

My heart sinks. "Where is Mommy?"

"Um. I think in your room."

"Okay. Willow, stay down here for me. I'm going to go check on Mommy."

"Is Mommy okay?" Willow asks with tears in her eyes. 

"Dont worry about Mommy," I tell her. "She'll be alright." Willow nods and I run up the steps. 
The door to our room is halfway closed, and I can hear Katniss's muffled cries. I go over to the door to see Katniss sitting in the middle of our bed with her head in her hands. I lightly tap on the door so I don't startle her. 

"Katniss?" She brings her head up to look at me and quickly gets up off the bed. 

"Peeta!" she cries as she comes barreling into my arms. I hold her close to me as she sobs into my chest. She wraps her arms around my back and her hands tightly grip my shoulders. Her entire body is shaking like a leaf, and I know this can't be good for her or the baby. 

"Sweetie, you need to calm down," I tell her. 

"I can't!" she sobs. Her knees start to buckle from underneath her, so I pick her up and sit her down on the bed.

"Katniss," I say as I kneel down in front of her. "I need you to calm down and tell me what happened. Baby, I can't help you unless you talk to me." She pulls back to look at me and I know by her expression that she's not calming down anytime soon. 

"P… Peeta," Katniss breathes. "I'm going to need you in order to get through this."

"Of course, Katniss," I say as I rub her back. "I'll always be right here for you. But you need to tell me what's going on." Katniss's breathing somehow speeds up, and she starts shaking her head real fast. I wish I knew what's upset her. I hate seeing her like this, and it's breaking my heart. 

I put my mouth right by her ear so she can hear me over her sobbing. "Willow said you were on the phone," I say softly. Katniss barely nods her head. "Who were you talking to on the phone?" Katniss takes a deep breath like she's going to answer, but she stays silent. "Katniss?" I say as I pull back to look at her. 

I can tell she's desperately trying to keep it together. 

"Not in front of Willow," Katniss says softly she points towards our bedroom door. I look over my shoulder to see Willow standing there staring at us. 

"Mommy?" Willow says quietly. 

"Willow, I told you to stay downstairs," I tell her. 

"But Mommy is sad," Willow says. "Her needs to feel better."

"Come here, Willow," Katniss says almost pleadingly. Willow comes over to the bed and I pick her up, sitting her down in Katniss's lap. 

"Listen," Katniss says as she holds Willow close to her. "Mommy loves you so much. Don't you ever forget that, baby girl. Okay?"

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