Chapter 10

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Katniss P.O.V.

"Mommy," Willow says as she runs over to the couch. "I want a 'nack."

I laugh a little. "Are you wanting a snack?"

"Please," she says sweetly. 

"Okay," I say as I stand up. Willow comes over and grabs my hand, leading me towards the kitchen. We get halfway there when the front door swings open and Peeta walks in. 

"Sit," he says as soon as he sees me. 

I smile at him. "This is the first time I've been up since you left."

"Is that true, Willow?" Peeta asks her. 

"Yep," Willow says as she shakes her head. I scoff at her and Peeta smirks at me. 

"Willow," I say. "You weren't supposed to tell on me."

She looks up at me. "Mommy, I said 'yep.'"

"But you shook your head," I say. Willow smiles at me and giggles. 

"Okay, back to the couch," Peeta says. 

"But, Daddy, I want a 'nack," Willow pouts. Peeta bends down to Willow's height and she leans in really close, giving him a serious look. 

"How about you wait until supper is ready, okay?" Peeta tells her. 

"Okay," Willow says happily as she kisses Peeta's cheek. Peeta chuckles and picks Willow up. "Tell Mommy to go sit back down."

"No," Willow giggles. "I will get in trouble."

"No you won't," I tell her. "But if Daddy tells me to sit down one more time, he's going to be in trouble."

Peeta laughs and sits Willow down on the floor. "Why don't you go upstairs to play?" Peeta tells her. "I need to talk with Mommy for a minute."

"Okay, Daddy," Willow says before she starts upstairs. 

"Please don't lecture me about moving around too much today," I say.

Peeta laughs. "I won't," he says as he shakes his head.

"Good," I say. 

"Come here," Peeta says as he puts an arm around my waist and leads me over to the couch.

"I promise I wasn't up long," I say as we sit down side by side. "It's just that Mom was supposed to go get her test results today and I was waiting for her to call. I got a little restless just sitting here watching the phone."

"It's okay," Peeta says as he gives me a sad smile. "I understand."

I look up at the clock and shake my head. "She told me she'd call today and tell me what she found out."

Peeta takes a deep breath. "Katniss, Ellen already called."

"No she..."

"Yes she did, Katniss," Peeta says as he nods his head. "She called me at the bakery." My heart drops. If Mom decided to call Peeta instead of me…

"It's not good news, is it?" I ask quietly. Peeta shakes his head and pulls me close to him. 

"I'm sorry, Katniss," Peeta says as he kisses my temple. I let a few tears slip, but I don't cry as much as I thought I would. 

There's only one reason why I'm not bawling right now. Instinct. I know I have to stay calm for the baby. I know that's why Mom didn't call me when she knew I'd be alone. And I know that Mom will be okay.

"I want to go over there," I tell Peeta. He shakes his head.

"If you go over there, she'll know that I told you," Peeta says.

"She didn't want you to tell me?" I ask him. Peeta shakes his head again. "How long was she going to make you keep it from me?" I keep my voice calm because I understand why Mom doesn't want me to know yet. 

"She said I could tell you in two weeks when she starts treatment," Peeta says. "But she knows how smart you are, and she knew you'd figure it out sooner or later. She told me that if you started getting suspicious to tell you not to worry about her. She wants you to continue being the amazing wife and mother that you are," Peeta says softly as he pushes my hair back out of my eyes. 

I look at him and nod my head. Peeta takes his thumbs and wipes away my tears from my cheeks. He holds me closely to him for a few minutes.

"You'd better go get supper cooked before Willow comes back down here," I say. He chuckles at me.

"Will you be okay in here, or do you want to come into the kitchen with me?" Peeta asks me. I shake my head.

"I'll be alright," I assure him. Peeta nods and then heads into the kitchen. In a few minutes, Willow comes stomping down the steps.

"Mommy!" she cries as she comes running over to me.

"What's the matter, baby girl?" I ask her. 

"I squishered my finger," Willow says as she holds out her red pinky. I frown and take her little hand in mine before kissing her finger.

"Is that better?" I ask her. She gives me a happy smile. 

"Yep," Willow says as she crawls up into my lap. "Mommy, why is your tummy getting fat?" Willow asks innocently. 

I can't help but to get tickled at her. "Willow," I laugh.

She looks up at me like she's done something wrong. "I'm sorry, Mommy."

I shake my head and smile at her. "You're okay, Willow. I'm laughing at you because you're funny," I tell her. I poke her nose and she wrinkles it up. "My belly is getting bigger because the baby is getting bigger."

"Woah!" Willow says as her eyes widen. "Mommy, I can talk to the baby?"

"Of course you can, Willow," I tell her.

"Hi baby!" Willow says loudly. I start laughing again as Willow places her tiny hands on my stomach.

"Willow, the baby can her you without yelling," I tell her. She looks up at me and giggles.

"Hi baby," Willow says a lot quieter. "I love you." My heart melts at the sweetness that is mine and Peeta's daughter. "Mommy and Daddy love you too 'cause they talk about you all the time," Willow continues. "I can't wait to see you and give you bunches of kisses. Daddy will teach you to bake and paint, and Mommy will kiss your fingers when you squisher them."

Willow goes on and on about everything we're going to do together. I can't help the tears that fall down my face as I listen to her.

"Mommy," Willow says as she brings her hands up to my cheeks. "You are crying." I look at her and smile.

"I'm okay," I assure her. "I'm just really happy, Willow."

"Oh," Willow says. "I'm really happy too, Mommy."

"You are?" I ask her. She nods her head.

"I'm really happy because I'm gonna be a big sister and I'm really happy Daddy is home a lot more," Willow says all in one breath. She stops to catch her breath and she smiles widely at me. "And I'm really happy because you're the bestest Mommy ever." I laugh and hug her tightly. 

"I agree with you, Willow," Peeta says. I look up to see Peeta standing in the doorway of the living room. "Willow, go wash your hands, baby girl. It's time to eat."

"Yay!" Willow squeals as she climbs down out of my lap and takes off towards the kitchen.

"Is the bestest Mommy ever ready to eat?" Peeta teases as he walks over towards me. I look up at him and laugh as I hold my arms out towards him.

"Only if the bestest Daddy ever will carry me." Peeta chuckles and picks me up. I wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips firmly to his as he carries me towards the kitchen.

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