Chapter 29

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Katniss P.O.V.

My knees start feeling weak and I have to lean up against the wall. My heart starts pounding as tears start falling down my face.

I don't believe this.

He's here.

Peeta's here.

I close my eyes and shake my head. I have to be seeing things. I have to be. But when I open my eyes back up, there he is. Sitting in the waiting room, staring at the floor with his hands folded in his lap. Sure, I'm still aggravated at him, and I know he is with me. But none of that matters right now. The only thing that matters is he's here.

I start crying that much harder and the baby starts kicking. "It's okay," I say as I rub my stomach. "I hope you never forget how much your Daddy loves us," I say softly. I quickly calm myself down and walk to the waiting room as fast as I can. I put my hand on the doorknob and take a deep breath.

Peeta's head shoots up when the door opens. He quickly stands up when he sees me and we just stare at each other for a moment.

Peeta finally decides to speak up. "I'm sorry, Kantiss," he says quietly.

I nod my head. "I am too," I tell him. Peeta takes a step closer to me, but I'm too shocked to move. I still can't believe he's here.

"I'm an idiot," Peeta says as he moves even closer. I shake my head.

"No you're not, Peeta," I say truthfully. He comes close enough to me that he reaches out and gently grabs the sides of my arms.

"I shouldn't have said what I did," Peeta says. "Can you forgive me for acting the way that I did?"

"Yeah," I say as tears fall down my face. "Can you forgive me for coming here even though you didn't want me to?"

"Of course," Peeta says as he pulls me close to him. He kisses me and I wrap my arms around his neck. Peeta's arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me as close to him as he can get with my big, pregnant belly in the way. I smile a little. Now I can believe that he's here.

"I couldn't take it, Katniss," Peeta says. "I was terrified that something was going to happen to you. I thought I'd get here and you'd be in labor or the baby would've already been here."

"No," I say as I rub my stomach. "Baby's still here." Peeta chuckles and brings a hand up to wipe my tears away.

"I'm so sorry, Katniss," he says. I shake my head.

"Don't worry about it anymore," I say.

"Come here," Peeta says as he leads me over to a chair. I sit down and Peeta sits down in a chair beside of me.

"What about Willow?"

"Haymitch took her." I look at him and smirk.

"I told you he would," I say. Peeta laughs a little. "How did you get here?"

"I drove," Peeta says. "I left as soon as I got Willow from school and dropped her off at Haymitch's."

I look at him. "How'd you make it here that fast?"

He chuckles. "I may have been speeding just a little bit."

"I love you," I tell him quietly. He smiles at me.

"I love you too, Kantiss," Peeta says. He leans over and kisses me again. In this moment, with Peeta's lips on mine and his hands resting on my belly, I feel like everything's going to be okay.

I sit in a chair beside of Mom's bed and wait. The doctor said she made it through surgery okay. She's just resting right now.

Peeta went downstairs to get something to eat a few minutes ago, so I'm basically alone right now. The baby starts kicking a little and I rest a hand on my stomach. 

"Katniss?" I look up to see that Mom is starting to wake up.

"Hey," I say quietly. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine," Mom replies groggily. "You seem to be in a better mood." I laugh a little. 

"Peeta showed up," I tell her. Mom smiles at me.

"I figured he would," she says. "Katniss?"


"Go on home," she tells me. "I'll be fine now. They just have to monitor me for a few days to make sure they got it all."

"Mom, you'll be here in the Capitol by yourself."

"I'll be fine, Katniss," she says with a tired laugh. "Go home. Take care of my grandbabies." I give her a sad smile.

"Maybe this one will wait until you get back before he or she decides to make their grand appearance," I say.

"I don't know," Mom says as she looks at my stomach. "It looks like she's dropping awful low."

I laugh a little. "You think the baby is a girl too?" She smiles a little and nods her head. "Are you sure you'll be okay if we go on home?"

"I'm sure," Mom says.

"You'll call if you need us?" I ask her. Mom nods.

"You're not going to put up a fight this time?" She asks in mock surprise.

I laugh. "I don't have much energy to argue too much," I say as I slowly stand up. I go over and hug her as best as I can.

"Don't worry about me," she says. "I'll be fine."

"I love you, Mom," I tell her. She smiles at me.

"I love you too, Katniss," she replies. "I'll see you in a few days." I nod and then walk out of the room. I see Peeta walking towards me and he gives me a look.

"Where are you going?" he asks me.

"We're going home," I say. Peeta raises an eyebrow at me.

"Really?" he asks.

I nod my head. "Mom told me to."

"You're actually going to listen for one?" Peeta teases. I roll my eyes at him.

"Well, I figured since you came here for me, the least I could do is go home with you," I tell him. He smiles at me.

"Lets go," Peeta says as he wraps an arm protectively around my waist.



"I'll go ahead and warn you," I tell him. "You'll have to make plenty of stops for bathroom breaks." Peeta chuckles and kisses the top of my head.

"Anything for you."
I was so excited for this chapter! I've had the idea for it since I started this book. There's only a few chapters left in this book and I'll probably cry when it's over with. 😭

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