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Sharia pov

I groan as I sit up in a bed?, I turn to see Damon naked and I noticed I was too, I gulped as I remember us talking and drinking, we started kissing and came back here, I shrugged and laid back down, I closed my eyes as I curl up into a ball.

2 hours later

I rewake up to Damon kissing my neck, I turn and kiss his soft lips, we move in sync as he pins me down and his face changes an he pulls away from my lips "it's ok" I said softly caressing his cheek as he takes deep breaths, the veins pop back in and we start kissing again.

We have a shower together and get dressed, I kiss him before going home, I smile as I walk inside to see Jeremy on the couch asleep, I kissed his head and went to my room, I sat on my bed when a pain in my stomach caused me to scream and fall to my knees clutching my stomach.

Jeremy runs in "sharia, just take deep breaths" he said picking me up bridle style and taking me to the hospital, I was rushed into a room as they put me to sleep.......


I opened my eyes to see elena, Jeremy, Damon, stefan, bonnie and caroline watching me "what?" I ask "Damon can tell you" elena says smirking, I face him "Sharia, your pregnant" he says making my heartbeat faster "and Damons the father" caroline smirks "which is impossible yet your pregnant with his child" stefan says shrugging as Damon and I smile at each other.

"Can I go home" I ask "you have too, that baby is gonna be half human half vampire so I don't think a doctor should see her or him" stefan says and everyone leaves except Damon so I could get dressed.

He helped me up and I grinned at the bump on my stomach "its growing fast" he chuckles as he helps me put on sweats and one of his shirts, I shoved on some sneakers and faced him, he gently kissed me "I love you" I said looking into his eyes, he beams "I love you" he says and kisses me again before we went to the boarding house.

Elena and caroline packed all my stuff into Damons room where I'll be staying with him, I lay on his bed as he holds me while gently rubbing my belly "if I get moody and yell at you or anything just know I don't mean anything" I said he faced me "lets hope you don't get moody" he chuckles, I smile and kiss him before laying back in his arms.

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