Helping Damon

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Sharia pov

I ditch them half way through the movie because stefan wanted to talk "the other night Tyler started to transform and Damon was bitten" he says I pull out my phone

'Is he gonna die'

I show him "yep" he says I stare wide eyed

'He was trying to apologise and I practically slammed the door in his face'

I show him and he frowns "he told me not to tell you but I figured if you wanted to see him then I wouldn't wait" he says I sigh "there might be a cure but I have to find Klaus to get it" he says I violently shake my head

'What about elena'

I show him my phone "I'll be fine, he had the chance to kill me but he didn't, what ever Damons done, what ever has led him here, I was the one that made him become a vampire in the first place, if there's a cure I owe it to him to find it" stefan says and walks away.


I drive to the boarding house and hop out only to have sheriff Forbes stop me..

I wait in her office when she walks in, I glare at her "why do you care, you know what they are, you know what they do" she says going to her desk, I face her "their murders sharia, end of story" she said when a cop knocked on the door, I turned "Damon Salvatore was just spotted outside the grill" he said and sheriff Forbes started to walk away.

I tried to follow "keep her here" she says and leaves, I glare at the guy as he closes the door, I walked around the room thinking this is just bullshit, I turn to the window and open the blinds, I grab a chair and throw it through the glass and jump out.

I run back to town square "sharia" I turn to see Damon, I grab his arm and pull him, he stumbles as I try to keep him on his feet, I gasp as he pushes me Into a pole "I choice you Katherine" he says and bites into my neck, I gasp at the pain and shove him off "sharia?" he says confused as I hold my neck and he falls to his knees, I knelt in front of him.

I wipe Damons face as he lay weakly on his bed "sharia get outta here, I could hurt you" he groans, I violently shook my head "get outta here" he groans in pain, I sit next to him holding his head as I wipe sweat of his head "tell stefan I'm sorry" he says I nod.

I lay with Damon as he slowly dies "this is even more pitiful then I thought" he says I sigh "I've made alot of choices that have gotten me here, I deserve this, I deserve to die" he says weakly, I take a deep breath "no you don't" I said the first words in years, he glanced at me "you talked" he said weakly, I lay further down and face him "you don't deserve to die" I said.

"Yes I do, and If I had chosen differently I wouldn't have met you" he says I face him "I'm so sorry" he says "its ok, I forgive you" I said laying my head down "I know I shouldn't, but I love you" he says "you should know that" he says as I start crying "I do" I said "you should have known me in 1864, you would've liked me" he said I lifted my head up and looked at him.

"I like you now just the way you are" I said and gently kissed him "its me you should me thanking I mean I have the cure" I stood to see Katherine with a bottle, she walks past me "I thought you were dead and couldn't talk" she said walking to Damon "I was and I never said I couldn't talk" I smirk as she fed Damon the blood and left "where's stefan" I ask "his paying for this, good luck telling elena" she says and leaves.

I face Damon as he weakly sits up.....

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