Twin trouble

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Rosie pov

Nate and I walk into history late and sit next to each other "you made a friend" the teacher asks shocked "his my brother, idiot" I mutter making people stare at us "I can see the resemblance" a bronze girl says "who cares what you think" a bimbo snorts "I do, so butt the hell out" I said making the bronze smile and the bimbo glare.

"I'm ness" she says "I'm Rosie" I smile shaking her hand.


I sat with Nate at a table and saw ness and some people watching us and one girl looked jealous?! "Im bored" I said "go hit someone" Nate says "nah my knuckles are still bruised from Katherine" I said making him chuckle when the bimbo from history walked over "I could hit her" I whisper as she approaches "who do you think you are" she says "someone who doesn't care what you say" I smirk.

"Bitch" she says an tries to slap me, I dodge it and stand up, she glares at me, I death stare her "Rosie" Nate says sternly but oops to late, I punched her in the face and she fell unconscious as I wiped her nose blood on my shirt and sat down like nothing happened "nice hit, sis" Nate says, I bro fist him "thanks bro" I smirk.

"Hey Rosie" ness says sitting down with the people she was with "hey ness" I smile "why'd you hit her" she asked gesturing to the unconscious bimbo "she called me a bitch for no reason" I said crossing my arms as everyone chuckled "guys meet Rosie and Nate, Rosie and Nate meet jake, Seth, Embry, Leah, and Quill" ness says.

"Hey" they said "hi" me and Nate say together and now I know who Leah is hahaha "so Rosie wanna do cheerleading with me" ness asked "when pigs fly" I snort making everyone chuckle and ness pout "are you two related" jake asked "were twins" I smirk and notice Leah looking relieved awww "cool" ness says, I notice Embry watching me weirdly but ignored it.

Nate went to math and I went to English late, I walked in to see Embry shit, his hot and everything but I don't even know him very well "Miss Salvatore, give it" the teacher says, "oh fine" I said handing him my knife as people stared startled, I sat down behind Embry who was staring at me again, I stared back until looking down to hide a blush that found my cheeks.

I look back up to see him still watching me "here" he said handing me a piece of paper as the bell rang, he left with everyone else, I put the note in my pocket and got my knife back before heading outside because its home time YES, I hopped in my car and waited for Nate.

I raised an eyebrow as I saw him kissing Leah "well when did that happen" I ask myself, I honk and they pull away, he pecks her lips and hops into the car glaring at me as I sped off "so what happened there" I ask wiggling my brows "well in math we talked and well it just happened I guess" he said smiling as we went home.

I sat on my bed and pulled out the note Embry gave me to see his number, I blush before grabbing my phone

'Hey, it's Rosie' I text blushing like a tomato, I was surprised when he texted back after a few seconds

'Hey, what are you doing' from Embry

'Dying of boredom, you' I text and put on my stereo, I smile as 'stay the night' came on and I sang loudly and I texted Embry all night talking about normal things and stuff....

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