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Sharia pov

Klaus said he'll help because if I have a child then their continuing the Patrova doppelgänger blood line, I sat on Damons lap as I look at my big belly "he or she better not get any bigger" I said leaning back, he chuckled "what's the problem with that" he asks "I'll get fatter" I said "your not fat, it's a baby inside you, and even if you were your always beautiful" he says, I face him "you always know what to say" I said and kissed him.

1 month later

"Holy mother of god" I scream as I give birth, "it's ok" Damon soothes as he and stefan try to get it out, I push harder when I hear soft cries and see a baby in Damons arms "its a girl" he says sitting next to me, he places her in my arms as I smile at her as everyone leaves the room to give us some privacy with our daughter.

"What do you want to name her" he asks "you pick" I said making him grin "what about 'Rosie Salvatore'" he says I smile "I love it" I said making him grin and kiss me.

3 Months later

Me, Damon and Rosie moved to Forks and Rosie looks 5-6 years old already, I put her to bed and walked into Damon and I's room to see him walk out of the bathroom in sweat pants, he smiles at me as I wrap my arms around his neck and softly kiss him "Klaus said if you want I can turn you" he says softly, I pull away "if I get to be with you forever than yes" I said making him grin.

He bit his wrist and put it to my lips, I drank and he kissed me before 'snap'.....


Rosie Salvatore

Brown eyes

Raven black hair, curly

Looks 17

She's selfless, sarcastic, funny, feisty and crazy

Parents- Damon Salvatore and Sharia Gilbert

Half human half vampire


Lost twin (TVD fan fic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum