Mute in Mystic Falls

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Sharia pov

I'm 17 now and Dad's been trying to get me to talk but isn't succeeding, he wants to visit some family so we packed a few things and left to mystic Falls "you have a stake on you" he asks I nodded and pointed to my boot "good, now don't get angry but Elena is your sister" he says, my eyes widen and I pull out my notepad


He looked at my writing "she does have the same eyes and hair but she actually talks" he smirked, I rolled my eyes as we pulled up a driveway "well good luck telling her" he said I raised an eyebrow "kidding" he said as we hopped out, dad knocked and my jaw dropped as I saw my sister, she looked startled.

"Uncle John who's she" she asked "Sharia, your sister" he says walking inside, she lets me in "hi I'm elena" she says but frowns when I don't answer, I put my hand to my throat "shes mute" dad calls out, I roll my eyes as elena smiles softly at me.

Elena is dragging me to a place called the grill "I haven't told anyone yet" she says as we walk In, people stare as Elena drags me to a table, the people sitting look shocked and confused "guys meet Sharia, my sister, Sharia meet Bonnie, Caroline, Stefan and Tyler" elena says they all say hey and again frown when I don't answer.

"Is she shy or something" caroline asks "she's mute" elena says as we sit down, they look at me sadly before they start talking, I pull out my phone and started playing Angry Birds...


I put on denim shorts, a tank top, sneakers and my black leather jacket before going to school with Elena, we walk into history and everyone stares at me as we sit down, the teacher walks in and looked startled to see me but quickly covered it up and started teaching about the 60's because of the decade dance.

Elena knows that I know about vampires and everything so after school we went to the boarding house, I sat in an arm chair as everyone talked, the teacher Alaric walked in "what's going on" he asks "well Sharia here happens to be the doppelgänger not elena, klaus made his first move and were going to the dance" Damon says smirking.

"Sharia, we should get home" elena says I nod and stand up "see ya guys" elena says as I wave and we leave, I sit in the passenger seat of her car and she drove off.

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