It's grade 10. My brother Kevin drives me to school and we don't talk till he has to drive me home. I walk around school going to meet up with my friends. We all meet at a picnic bench under some fancy tree. Of course this spot changes in winter because in Canada the weather isn't the nicest. But for now this is our friendship spot.
"Hey Cassie! Why are you always the last one to get here?" Sofia says questioning me in her most detective sounding like voice. "Cause I am. " I say sitting down.
"Wow. Sassy got attitude." Jube Jube says laughing. Of course. This girl doesn't ever stop laughing.
"Julie relax." Aria whispers. Jube Jubes laugh attack comes to a halt.
"Are we all ready to compare classes?" Kirsten says whipping out her class list. "Let's do it losers. " I say slowly and carefully taking out my class list.
We all compare classes and I have chemistry with Kirsten, Gym with Aria, and math with Jube Jube. And we all got lunch at the same time. I got lucky with my partners when it comes to classes. Kind of. Kirsten is a little crazy when it comes to anything so this will be a challenge. Aria is super lazy so I'm surprised she's even taking gym. And Jube Jube is great with Math. She basically did my math homework last year.
"Well let's get going Cassie. We have chemistry to get too!" Kirsten shouts grabbing my hand and rushing off. We both stop off at our lockers before reaching the classroom. This is going to be a long year.